The Blue Brain Project concluded in December 2024, so development has ceased under the BlueBrain GitHub organization. Future development will take place at: https://github.com/openbraininstitute/o1v5-workflows
Workflow configurations and extensions for setting up and running simulation campaigns using the O1v5 circuit
Code and config files for setting up and running replication experiments of the BlobStim experiment (proj32) using the converted O1v5-SONATA circuit [NSETM-1222] with original TC (BlobStim) projections under various connectome manipulations. -
Code and config files for setting up and running replication experiments of the BlobStim experiment (proj32) using the converted O1v5-SONATA circuit [NSETM-1222] with original TC (BlobStim) and simplified connectomes. -
Code and workflows for project cleanup, i.e., moving simulation campaigns to other folder locations, etc.
1. Register a new circuit (only once, if not yet registered in Nexus)
bbp-workflow launch --follow --config workflows/RegisterCircuit__xxx.cfg bbp_workflow.circuit.task RegisterDetailedCircuit
To be specified in RegisterCircuit__xxx.cfg
- Circuit name, type, description, and additional information
- Circuit config
2. Set up simulation campaign
bbp-workflow launch --follow --config workflows/GenerateCampaign__xxx.cfg bbp_workflow.simulation GenerateSimulationCampaign
To be specified in GenerateCampaign__xxx.cfg
- Campaign name and description
- Circuit URL
- Coordinates (parameters that are varied throughout the campaign)
- Attributes (fixed parameters, including campaign path and BlueConfig template)
- Parameter processors (e.g., user target generation, stimulus generation, ...)
3. Generate (human-readable) symbolic links
bbp-workflow launch --follow --config workflows/GenerateSymLinks__xxx.cfg bbp_workflow.simulation SimCampaignInfo generate-symlinks
To be specified in GenerateSymLinks__xxx.cfg
- Campaign URL
4. Launch simulation campaign
bbp-workflow launch --follow --config workflows/LaunchCampaign__xxx.cfg bbp_workflow.simulation SimulationCampaign
To be specified in LaunchCampaign__xxx.cfg
- Campaign URL
- Project account for SLURM allocation
- Simulation type
- Hardware resources and allocation time
ℹ️ Note: Adding benchmark=True
at the end of the launch command will only run the last simulation in a campaign, which can be useful for benchmarking.
5. Analyze/visualize simulation campaigns
Analysis launcher workflow on GitLab
- Unless
is specified,bbp-workflow ...
must be launched from the root folder containing./workflows
as a subfolder! - The Nexus instance (staging or production) can be selected in the
section in the config files!
This development is supported by funding to the Blue Brain Project, a research center of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), from the Swiss government's ETH Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology. Copyright © 2024 Blue Brain Project/EPFL