Easily calculate fuel travel expenses in different countries based on the latest fuel prices.
Fuel prices are parsed from globalpetrolprices.com.
- Select a (travelling) country
- Enter your distance (km) and average consumption of your vehicle (L/100km)
- Choose your fuel type (you can choose from Gasoline, Diesel and LPG)
- Calculated overall consumption in liters (L) based on given parameters
- Calculated cost of total consumption in USD currency
- Calculated cost of total consumption in regional currency
- Axios, https://github.com/axios/axios
- Bootstrap 4, https://getbootstrap.com
- jQuery 3, https://jquery.com
- phpQuery, https://github.com/punkave/phpQuery
- Vue.js 2, https://vuejs.org
Visit https://fuel.webarea.eu for demo.
Blaž Oražem, orazem.si
Fuel Consumption Calculator is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.