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sveltekit / svelte5 with django; auth, forms-actions, toast/flash messages, validations and more

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We are currently working on a svelte specific platform that distributes SaaS templates, organization dashboard, kanban UIs, and more on The platform is still beta, and we only have the premium version of django-svelte-template.

Django Svelte Template

Well, the desperate urge of creating awesome webapps using Django had forced you to search for a well-coupled Svelte template, and you're here.

I can confidently confirm you that this template has almost everything you need to work with Django's awesome backend, and SvelteKit powerful frontend.

Note: This templated strictly supports Svelte 5.

Getting started

To get started, you can simply clone this repository, and start working on it.

git clone

Run django backend:

cd django_backend; python3 -m venv venv; source venv/bin/activate; pip install -r requirements.txt;
python migrate; python runserver;

Do not forget to change your configs in:

Edit the files accordingly.

If you django server is running, goto http://localhost:8000/ for swagger documentation.

Run sveltekit frontend:

cd svelte_frontend; npm install;
npm run dev;

Add .env, as follows:


SECRET_BASE_API is the base url for the django backend, you can change it accordingly.

Go to the given localhost url by npm run dev, and you will see a todo app, with a lot of features.

Run test emailing service:

pip install aiosmtpd # if not installed
aiosmtpd -n -l localhost:1725 --debug

An npm create script will soon be available, to create a new fresh project with this template. If you don't want the default todo app, you can remove it, and create your own app.

Okay, what now? Obviously, you wanna how to use this template and everything around it.

So, let's start with:


We have used powerful tools from both worlds to make this happen, you can see that here:

  • For backend: Django, Djapy, Pydantic, DjangoKit (PyPi)
  • For frontend: Svelte 5, Tailwind CSS

For backend

The primary reason of using Django, it has good ORM, and I am comfortable using it. You can use whatever backend you want with this template, it's extremely compatible.

Using Djapy, well it is bound with Pydantic and Django, with great validations, and quick, satisfying development process, with Dark-mode swagger in it.

DjangoKit, is actually an url binder or somehow like a request handler. Let's say, it serves as a proxy for SvelteKit requests to Django.

For Frontend

No doubts, Svelte is awesome, and I do feel Svelte 5 is awesome too. The frontend has a really powerful tools/helpers, providing quick and easy ways to integrate django's with SvelteKit frontend, has toast (svelte runes based) and flash messages (cookie based).

And tailwind css obviously, it could be a semi-sin to hate this thing, but yes, if you wanna remove this, it's perfectly fine.

Integration of tools

To simplify things, I will start from Svelte part of this template.

SvelteKit - frontend using Svelte 5

Our frontend is tightly typed with typescript , and we might feel it's just pure structural magic going on here, but that's totally not magic.

Making things, even simple, we should start from the very +layout.svelte file.

Flash messages

In src/+layout.svelte, you can see:

    import "../app.css"; // for styling, optional: $items and pages are styled using tailwind css

    import PutFlash from "$items/PutFlash.svelte";
    import Flash from "$items/Flash.svelte";

    let {children} = $props();


{@render children()}

PutFlash binds server sent flash messages to notifier.toasts (which you will learn shortly).

<PutFlash/> binds every error sent in the following way:

  "message": "Error message",
  "message_type": "error",
  "alias": "error",
  "action": {
    "path": "/login",
    "label": "Login here"

message and message_type are required, else are optional.

Flash & PutFlash is a custom written component, within src/items/ directory, (alias for $items).


You might want to add a toast notification from the frontend, you can use notifier store.

import {add_toast, dismiss_toast_after} from "$lib/stores/notifier.svelte";

add_toast({message: 'Hello World', message_type: 'success',}) // this will add a toast, but won't auto dismiss
dismiss_toast_after(add_toast({message: 'Hello World', message_type: 'success',})) // this will dismiss the toast

Here's a simple example of using notifier store.

    import {add_toast, dismiss_toast_after} from "@friendofsvelte/django-kit/notifier";

<button onclick={()=>{dismiss_toast_after(add_toast({message: 'Hello World', message_type: 'success',}))}}>
    Add Toast

Current user and site info

Now, let's have a simple look at src/+layout.server.ts,

import type {LayoutServerLoad} from "./$types";

export const load: LayoutServerLoad = async (event) => {
  return {
    current_user: event.locals.current_user,
    site_data: event.locals.site_data

event.locals is assigned by hooks.server.ts, which is a middleware for the server.

Form handling and validation

Well, this is my favorite part, and I am sure you will love it too. Using DjangoKit and Djapy makes it really easy to handle forms and validations.

Components Info

In src/items/, you can see a Form.svelte file, which is a custom form component, you are not required to use this, but it has some extra features, like loading state boolean, enhanced-forms actions and after submit callback.

$items/Error.svelte is a component which is used to show errors, it filters out the errors sent by the server (using Pydantic), and shows them in a nice way.

<script lang="ts">
    import Error from "$items/Error.svelte";

<input type="text" name="username"/>
<Error for="username" {uniq}/>

{uniq} is a unique key, provided by the parent Form component, it's used to show the error for the specific field.

This will show the error for the username field, if any.

Form actions

The most favorite part of this template, is the form actions. Let's have a look at our src/routes/+page.svelte,

<Form action="?/create_todo" method="post" ...>
<!--use html `form` tag if you want to use the default form action; perfectly fine-->

?/create_todo is a form action, which is a path name (or urlname) for the form action, which is handled by DjangoKit, and it will be proxied to Django.

For that you have to index the form action in src/routes/+page.server.ts,

import {repl} from "$lib/server/repl";

export const actions = repl('create_todo');

repl is a powerful and dynamic function, you can pass multiple route names and their required methods, and it will handle the form submission for you.

It's not just limited to form actions, you can use it for any action, like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

export const actions = repl([
  {name: 'create_todo', method: 'POST'},
  {name: 'delete_todo', method: 'DELETE'},
Call actions

Here, ?/call is a special action, which is used to call a specific endpoint, mainly, when you want to pass parameters in the url.

&s is the url, &m is the method.

Rendering data

In src/routes/+page.server.ts, you can see:

import flashRedirect from "$lib/server/flash";

export const load: PageServerLoad = async (event) => {
  if (!event.locals.current_user) {
    flashRedirect(event.cookies, {
      alias: 'error',
      message: 'You need to be logged in to access the dashboard.',
      message_type: 'error'
    }, 302, '/login')
  return {
    todos: await get_todos(event)

Here, get_todos is a function which is used to get the todos from the server, and it uses get_paginator to get the paginated data.

If user is not logged in, it will redirect the user to the login page with an error message.

Note: You can use flashRedirect to redirect with a flash message, it's a helper function. Or you can use redirect to redirect without a flash message. Or you can use putFlash to put a flash message without redirecting, import {putFlash} from '$lib/server/flash';;

Hooks: Authentication and Site data

For each first visit in a page, it triggers handleAuth which assigns event.locals.current_user and event.locals.site_data to the event, which is used in src/+layout.server.ts.

handleAuth uses the get_init_data function is used to get data. handleAuth later saves the cookies sent by the server, and assigns the data (site and user) to the event.

To make fetching data to backend easier, we are defining handleFetch inside src/hooks.server.ts,:

export const handleFetch = ...;

It allows you to request to backend endpoints by using $api/ alias:

event.fetch(`$api/path/to/endpoint`, {
  method: 'POST',
  body: JSON.stringify({data: 'data'}),
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

You can use this alias on load functions, forms actions or anywhere where you need to fetch data from the backend via event.fetch. It's the SvelteKit feature, extended by django-kit.

Backend - using Django and Djapy

The backend, it's actually the heart of this template, and it's the most important part. It is completely rich with features, and you can use it for other projects as well.

It has session based authentication, permissions, paginated data, forgot password, reset password, confirm email, and a lot more.

It is inside django_backend/ directory, and it's a Django project.

Inside each app, you'll most probably see a schema file where all schemas are defined, and a views file where all views are defined.


The authentication app is responsible for handling the authentication, and it has a lot of features.

It has four major views files, each fulfilling a specific task, related to their name. You can check for more info.


The another app you will see is home, it's a simple app, which is responsible for rendering the initial data. The here only has one view function get_init_data, which is actually a multipurpose view function.

It assigns the current user and site data to the request, and also assign csrf token to the request.