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Species distributions models of butterflies 🦋 and moths for the DECIDE project. GB coverage, 100m resolution.

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Producing species distribution models (SDMs) for the DECIDE project


DECIDE aims to collect these new data to improve biodiversity models for decision-making by putting recorders’ motivations at the heart of the process. Focusing initially on butterflies, moths and grasshoppers, this pioneering project aims to map 1,000 new species at fine-resolution and to improve these models through the records submitted by Recorders. Recorders will be guided where and when to make records in their region, so that their records can optimally improve the species maps - a process called ‘adaptive sampling’.

The recorder tool is available here:

For DECIDE we are running ‘high-throughput’ SDMs for butterflies and moths (and grasshoppers in future) at 100x100m resolution using a general set of bioclimactic variables, and land use. There is a vision to use earth observation data to improve these models in the course of the project. This is the repository for fitting SDMs and producing SDM predictions (for calculating species richness) and uncertainty (for the DECIDE score). This code also compiles the species-level predictions into seasonal species richness and uncertainty. This is a rework of the previous repo that worked on SDMs:

This repository does not deal with the ‘recency of records’ component of the DECIDE score as this is now processed dynamically in a different set of code:


Preparing data

Currently data processing is not done here, all using outputs from previous repository DECIDE_WP1.

1. Generating psudeo absences

Here we are using the general background of recording activity to see where records have NOT been made of the target species to generate ‘pseudoabsences’.




  • data/derived_data/species/pas.RDS - the pseudoabsences
  • data/derived_data/species/species_list.RDS - a list of species and their ‘group’ (butterfly, day-flying or night flying moth)
  • data/derived_data/species/pas_meta_data.RDS - some meta data about the psuedoabsences, how many are generated for each species etc.

2. Fitting SDMs and making SDM predictions

This script is the workhorse of the workflow. Here we take the pseudoabsences and presences dervied from the previous script, alongside the environmental data in the environmental raster and fit a variety of models. We then predict across the entire GB raster to get each model’s predictions of species’ probability of presence. We don’t do any combining across models - that’s in the next script. The script is set up in an R markdown document which can be run interactively for testing model types. For running the models for real on the JASMIN LOTUS slurm cluster, the jobs are set off using the slurm job submission script, which basically just calls the render function to the R markdown.

Interactive workflow: R/scripts/2_run_SDMs.Rmd

Slurm job submission: R/scripts/2_submit.R


  • data/derived_data/species/pas.RDS generated in 1_pseudoabsence_generation.Rmd
  • data/derived_data/species/species_list.RDS generated in 1_pseudoabsence_generation.Rmd
  • data/derived_data/environmental/envdata_fixedcoasts_nocorrs_100m_GB.gri envronmental data generated in previous environmental data sorting


The outputs are saved in their corresponding folder in data/derived_data/model_outputs_by_species where there are 4 folders for each model type: gam, glm, maxent, rf. There is also an ensemble folder but that is filled in the next stage.

For each model run for each species we end up with 4 files

  • mean_predictions_[SPECIES].grd/gri is the mean predictions
  • bootstrapped_sd_[SPECIES].grd/gri is the standard deviation between each bootstrapped model prediction
  • mean_AUC_[SPECIES].rds is the mean AUC for that model/species combo stored as a single numeric value
  • models_[SPECIES].rds contains one of the models, the AUCs from each model, the mean AUC across all models (again) and the summaries for all models.

The script also generates a HTML document of the render R Markdown with all the diagnositic plots etc. There are rendered in github friendly markdown format so they can be viewed easily in a web browser through the GitHub website. These documents are saved in the docs/models folder.

Submitting the submit.R jobs

Log in using

ssh -A
ssh -A simrol@sci<number>

Load the jaspy environment (or a particular version eg. in the second line below). Don’t need to do this if running the sbatch script generated by rslurm because loading jaspy is in the .sh template.

module add jaspy
module add jaspy/3.7/r20200606

If submit=F in 2_submit.R then you can submit it manually by navigating into the slurm documentary with cd command (probably something like _rslurm_28dc622537d) then this command to kick it off with:


sbatch useful commands:

squeue -u simrol
top -u simrol

3. Combining models for each species to produce ensemble model

This is a realatively simple script which takes all the SDMs for each model type for each species and combines to make a single SDM ensemble prediction for each species (not combining across species yet). The different model types are weighted by AUC.



  • data/derived_data/model_outputs_by_species


  • data/derived_data/model_outputs_by_species/ensemble

4. Combining to seasonal and all-time DECIDE score model uncertainty component

This script combines the ensemble SDMs for each species. This can be run on datalabs, at least for butterflies. It has not been tested for the many nocturnal moth species - that may take a while. This script is written using the terra R package so make use of the efficiency upgrates it has over raster.


  • data/derived_data/model_outputs_by_species/ensemble


  • data/derived_data/combined_model_outputs

Transfer of data

This is where our journey in this repository as the data is handed over to other file locations for use in other services.

Transfer to object store

Outputs from script 3, all individual models and ensemble models by species, are stored on the JASMIN Object Store ( These are stored here for permanency alongside a variety of other SDMs produced by UKCEH/BRC. The Object Store can be accessed via DataLabs which make it easy to explore. See the note at the bottom of about transfer to Object Store.

Transfer to appdev SAN folder

The seasonal species richness and SDM model uncertainty are transferred to the SAN app drive. This is for use in the app and to provide the model uncertainty component for the DECIDE recording priority layer. These files are then processed by scripts running on RStudio connect which are being developped here:

Exploring data

A basic shiny app for exploring the SDM outputs (located on the Object Store) is available on DataLabs:

File structure

Generated with fs::dir_tree()


## R
## +-- functions
## |   +-- cpa.R
## |   \-- fsdm.R
## \-- scripts
##     +-- 1_pseudoabsence_generation.Rmd
##     +-- 2_run_SDMs.Rmd
##     +-- 2_submit.R
##     +-- 3_combine_SDMs.Rmd
##     +-- 4_produce_outputs.Rmd
##     \--


## data
## +-- derived_data
## |   +-- combined_model_outputs
## |   +-- environmental
## |   |   +-- elevation_UK.grd
## |   |   +-- elevation_UK.gri
## |   |   +-- elevation_UK.tif
## |   |   +-- envdata_fixedcoasts_nocorrs_100m_GB.grd
## |   |   +-- envdata_fixedcoasts_nocorrs_100m_GB.gri
## |   |   +-- lcm2015gb100perc.grd
## |   |   +-- lcm2015gb100perc.gri
## |   |   \-- lcm2015gb100perc.tif
## |   +-- model_outputs_by_species
## |   |   +-- ensemble
## |   |   |   +-- bootstrapped_sd_pieris_brassicae.grd
## |   |   |   +-- bootstrapped_sd_pieris_brassicae.gri
## |   |   |   +-- mean_prediction_pieris_brassicae.grd
## |   |   |   \-- mean_prediction_pieris_brassicae.gri
## |   |   +-- gam
## |   |   +-- glm
## |   |   |   +-- bootstrapped_sd_pieris_brassicae.grd
## |   |   |   +-- bootstrapped_sd_pieris_brassicae.gri
## |   |   |   +-- mean_AUC_pieris_brassicae.rds
## |   |   |   +-- mean_prediction_pieris_brassicae.grd
## |   |   |   +-- mean_prediction_pieris_brassicae.gri
## |   |   |   \-- models_pieris_brassicae.rds
## |   |   +-- maxent
## |   |   \-- rf
## |   \-- species
## |       +-- butterfly
## |       |   \-- records
## |       |       \-- butterfly_EastNorths_no_duplicates_2021_12_06.csv
## |       +-- day_flying_moth
## |       |   \-- records
## |       |       \-- DayFlyingMoths_EastNorths_no_duplicates.csv
## |       +-- pas.RDS
## |       +-- pas_meta_data.RDS
## |       +-- phenology.RDS
## |       \-- species_list.RDS
## \-- raw_data
##     +-- species
##     |   +-- butterfly
##     |   \-- day_flying_moth
##     \-- traits
##         \-- butterfly_moth_ecological_traits.csv


Species distributions models of butterflies 🦋 and moths for the DECIDE project. GB coverage, 100m resolution.




