Release v0.0.6-beta
What's Changed
- [HOTFIX] dependencies now solved by @jcapels in #29
- 3d descriptors by @jcapels in #30
- [REFACTOR] unnecessary abstract methods removed from class by @jcapels in #31
- [FIX] dependencies for python 3.10 installation by @jcapels in #34
- Deepchem models evaluation by @jcorreia11 in #37
- [FIX] Evaluator, circular imports and deepchem hyperparameter optimization by @jcapels in #39
- [SHORT FIX] correct AUCs in evaluator by @jcapels in #46
- Multiprocessing using joblib by @jcapels in #44
- Test fix datasets by @jcorreia11 in #49
- Test and fix loaders by @jcorreia11 in #48
- Test fix standardizer by @jcorreia11 in #50
- General Refactoring of the DeepChem Featurizers by @jcorreia11 in #51
- [ADD] logger by @jcapels in #52
- [FIX] validate metrics by @jcapels in #54
- Dataset refactoring by @jcorreia11 in #55
- Unsupervised refactoring by @jcorreia11 in #56
- [ADD] documentation by @jcapels in #58
- Multitask by @jcorreia11 in #57
- [HOTFIX] return morgan fingerprint as numpy array by @jcorreia11 in #59
- [HOTFIX] MACCSkeys are 167 not 166 by @jcorreia11 in #60
- [HOTFIX] use elbow method when n_clusters is not provided by @jcorreia11 in #61
- Matrix similarities by @jcorreia11 in #62
- merge into master to perform the release of version 0.0.6-beta by @jcapels in #64
Full Changelog: v0.0.1-beta...v0.0.6-beta