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Vite and Tailwind HTML and CSS build environment for project pages


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Vite and Tailwind based CSS and HTML generator for custom css project pages.

This project is a spiritual successor to itchpack, which has many of the same features, but uses webpack and sass via a commandline tool.

Instead, Itch Tailwind is a collection of build scripts and configuration in a convenient project generator, so you can customize it as needed.

Animation of create-itch-tailwind usage, showing interactive prompt to generate a new project, run a development server and create HTML and CSS output files


  • HTML/CSS hot reloading via Vite
  • Split and organize assets with @import and <include src="myfile.html">
  • Built in support for templating (using posthtml-expressions)
  • Data-driven templates (data.yml or data.json contents are passed to templates)
  • All project configuration and build steps are available to customize within your project
  • Supports TailwindCSS
  • Automatically prefix all new classes with -custom in the CSS and HTML output


Itch tailwind is designed to create one css file and one html file in an output directory, which you can then copy to your page.

Generate a new project

npx create-itch-tailwind

Follow prompts to name your new project, and (optionally) download your project's existing content and layout.

cd <new project>
npm install
npm run start

Project structure

├── index.html # wrapper template (read only)
├── [various configuration and dotfiles]
├── src/
|   ├── index.css # Project CSS
|   ├── index.html # Project HTML
|   └── data.yml (or data.json) # data you can use in your templates
└── dist/
    ├── style.css # Output CSS
    └── index.html # Output HTML

Fetching or updating project content

npx create-itch-tailwind fetch-templates <>

This will download your project's HTML content to src/index.html and the static, template to /index.html, adding an <include> to wrap your project markup.

By default, files that already exist will be skipped.

Development server

Once your project has been set up and your templates are downloaded, you can launch the development server using npm run start.

Open http://localhost:5173 (by default) to view your project preview. Changes to your templates, data, or CSS will reload the page.

Generate your HTML and CSS

When your project is ready, generate the final HTML and CSS using:

npm run build

This will create your final, minified HTML and CSS in the dist folder.

Copy the contents of dist/index.html, and paste it into your project's description form on (click the <> HTML button before pasting).

Copy the contents of dist/style.css to your project's custom css field in your project's theme editor.

The commands npm run copy-html and npm run copy-css will copy these to your clipboard.

Working with template data

Data in /src/data.yml (or /src/data.json) can be used in your templates using posthtml-expressions tags.


greeting: Hello!
  - Guides
  - Screenshots


<h1>{{ greeting }}</h1>

<each loop="heading in headings">
<h2>{{ item }}</h2>

Default styles

By default, Tailwind adds a number of CSS resets, that mostly unstyle the content of your project page.

To style your page content, you have a few options:

You can add the appropriate classes to your paragraphs, headings, and other elements individually.

You can add some base styles in /src/index.css ( You'll want to make sure these are scoped to the user_formatted so that they don't affect UI styling.

You can disable this reset entirely by removing or commenting out the scopedPreflightStyles plugin in tailwind.config.js, and removing the "additional resets" section added in /src/index.css

You can also enable the tailwindcss/typography plugin (commented out by default in tailwind.config.js), and add the prose class to a wrapper element in your project.

I want to use this, but not Tailwind

You can remove the Tailwind includes from your src/index.css, and you'll be good to go.
You can also remove Tailwind entirely by removing it from package.json file, from the plugins list in postcss.config.js and removing the tailwind.config.js. You may want to add purgecss as well so that unused styles can still be removed automatically, which Tailwind is handling.


Vite and Tailwind HTML and CSS build environment for project pages





