Full Stack Web application for a Non-Profit Organization, ETJ (Enter the Johnsons), "providing martial arts and mentoring for our kids that need it most.". Built with NextJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, and Cloudinary. Allows Admin Users to Post New Fundraiser campaigns (including photo/video upload via Cloudinary API). Admin Users can also delete or edit prior fundraising campaigns and view messages from website visitors on the Admin Page. Admin Page also features ability to change password, add / delete admin users, and delete messages after they are read. Website visitors can send messages/feedback to the organization via the Contact page. About Page features and image carousel and information about the organization and team members.
App Screenshot:
deployed URL: https://etj-nextjs.vercel.app
visit the deployed URL above and navigate to various pages
This application is covered under the MIT License.
For more information: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
Contact Info
GitHub user name: BillStephens2022
Link to GitHub profile: https://github.com/BillStephens2022
Email: stephensbill17@gmail.com