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Vorgänger von:
- "We hold these truths to be self-evident" (1776)
- "We the people of the united states, in order" (1779)
- "Im Bewusstsein seiner Verantwortung vor Gott und den Menschen hat sich das Deutsche Volk kraft seiner verfassungsgebenden Gewalt dieses Grundgesetz gegeben."
- "...Alle Staatsgewalt geht vom Volke aus."
Rousseau's Theorie ist, wie der Name schon sagt eine Vertragstheorie.
- Die Annahme über die Vertragszustimmung ist natürlich hypothetisch-metaphorisch zu verstehen. Es handelt sich um ein Gedankenexperiment.
- Ebenso die Annahmen über den implizierten Urzustand.
- Vertragstheorien stehen etwa im Unterschied zu Theorien des sozialen Wandels (vgl. historische Materialismus)
- Vertragstheorien beziehen sich auf (hypothetische) Prozesse, sie stehen also etwa substantiellen Gerechtigkeitstheorien gegenüber.
- Der Wille Aller
"The will of all is very different from the general will; the latter looks only to the common interest, while the former looks ...
- Ein radikaler (totalitärer?) Republikaner (nicht notwendigerweise Demokrat /Liberaler / Pluralist)
"Because each individual gives himself entirely, what is happening here for any one individual is the same as what is happening for each of the others and ...
"And so it is against the nature of the body politic for the sovereign to impose on itself a law that it can't infringe: there isn't and can't be any kind of basic law that is binding on the body of the people – even the social contract itself can't do that."
"For the same reason that makes it inalienable, sovereignty is indivisible. Here is why. Either will is general or it isn't; it is the will either of the body of the people or of only a part of it. When it is declared, then, either, it is an act of sovereignty and constitutes law, or it is merely a particular will.
State of Nature follows if people assume liberties:
"In the absence of any superior to decide issues about this, each individual would be his own judge in the first case that came up, and this would lead him to ask to be his own judge across the board; this would continue the state of nature, and the association would necessarily become inoperative or tyrannical####
"The sovereign, merely by virtue of what it is, is always what it ought to be."
Staatsräson-Issue Moritz
Ein Ideologe (kein politischer Philosoph, geschweige denn ein Institutionen-Designer) Ideologie heisst: hermetisches Gedankensystem, das nicht gegenüber Widerspruch offen ist und/oder nicht überprüfbar ist.
Der Wille Aller vs der Allgemeine Wille
Ein Anti-Moderner / Romantiker? (He assumes away interdependence)
Moderne und interdependenz als bekümmernswerter Unfall.
"Any natural relations amongst them must exist when they are living in their primitive independence without any government or social structure; but at that time they have no inter-relations that are stable enough to constitute either the state of peace, or the state of war"
For forces to add up this way, many people have to work together. But each man's force and liberty are what he chiefly needs for his own survival, so how can he put them into this collective effort without harming his own interests and neglecting the care he owes to himself? This difficulty, in the version of it that arises for my present subject, can be put like this: Find a form of association that will bring the whole common force to bear on defending and protecting each associate's person and goods, doing this in such a way that each of them, while uniting himself with all, still obeys only himself and remains as free as before.
- Ein Aufklärer! (vorher hat das einfach keiner gewagt!)
Man is born free, and everywhere he lives in chains.
"As I have just pointed out, an individual subject can have a commitment to himself in this sense – as an individual he has a commitment to the sovereign, and as a member of the sovereign he has a commitment to himself. But the sovereign can't have a commitment to itself; it doesn't have two distinct roles, such a commitment could go from it in one role and towards it in the other."
- Einer der die Frage gestellt hat, aber nicht keine sehr plausible Antwort gegeben hat.
- "kommunistische Fiktion"
- "Erziehungsdiktatur" / (Auroras Anlass)
- keine institutionellen Vorgaben
Emile ist ein Kurs von Verena Kasztantowicz und Maximilian Held bei der Deutschen SchülerAkademie 2014-2 in Braunschweig.