BiksCRN is a first order programming languege used to simulate Chemical Reaction Networks in real time using the Euler method. BiksCRN differece from other similiar languges, with the implementation of chemical protocols and titration. This compiler was made using the SableCC generator, and made in accordance to Aalborg Universitys 4th semesters project.
When using BiksCrn some preparations are necessary, these will be covered briefly here
Firstly when building the .jar file. Click on the file->Project Structure->artifacts. Then click on the plus(+), then clik on the JAR and select the From modules with dependencies. When this is done the main class should be selected in this case it is called When this is done click ok, and apply the changes and click in the project structure menu. Now click on the build menue and click build.
Since the compiled program will be a .py file it is requirement to install python. When installing python, note that it is important that the boxes for enviorment variables and the pip installation are checked.
After succesful installation, some libaries are need to run the target code. These are as follow:
- matplotlib
- itertools
- math
They can be installed with pip, by writting the following command into CMD:
pip install matplotlib
There is a couple diffrent ways to give arguments to the .jar file to tell it which program should be compiled.
- Giving the path to the program trough the terminal as a program argument like so "java -jar SableCC_V3.jar [path]"
- Dont give it an argument, and follow the intruction given by the compiler.
The path can either be the absolute path or a path relative to the compiler folder. A precompiled version can be found in the Example
Here is a small example off some working code
/* Single line comment */
Multi line
Initialize {
Sample A {
Specie X=0, Y=100;
Y->X, 1;
X+X -> Y, 2;
AddMol = X:0.1:while(X<3);
Sample B {
Specie C=0, D=10;
C<->D, 1: 2;
2C -> 2D, 2;
RemMol = D:0.3;
Sample C {
Specie Q = 1;
Protocol {
/*Three possible versions of eqilibrate with a variety of optinal parameteres*/
Equilibrate A for 100;
Equilibrate A for 100 t;
Equilibrate A for 100 by 0.0005 INSTANT;
Equilibrate A for 100 by 0.0005 each 1000 bitesize 10;
Sample C = Mix (A,B);
Sample A,B = C.Split (0.4,0.5);