Welcome to the 2D Adventure Game! This project is a 2D platformer game where players navigate through levels, avoid obstacles, and defeat enemies.
These instructions will get you set up and running with the project locally.
- Version Control: Git
- Code Editor: IntelliJ IDEA
- Language: Java
- Clone the repository using Git:
git clone https://github.com/BijonDurjoy/2D-Adventure.git
- Movement: Use the 'a' key for right shit, 'd' for left, 'w' for up and 's' for down.
- Jump: Press the space bar to jump.
- Attack: Press the 'Enter' key to attack with sword or axe.
- Fireball: Press the 'F' key to attack with fireball.
- Pause: Press the 'P' key to pause the game.
Avoid obstacles and enemies while collecting power-ups and reaching the end of each level.