A python client for accessing an Omics Dashboard service.
Python 3.4+ or 2.7
You can install from this repository using pip
pip install git+git://github.com/BiRG/Omics-Dashboard-Python-Client.git
All records can be edited in a similar fashion, but the Job
record is not editable here or on the server.
(stored with 400 permissions or equivalent):
"email": "person@company.com",
"password": "AVeryVeryVeryGoodPassword"
The Session
object keeps you authenticated with the service.
from omics_dashboard_client import Session
session = Session('https://team.organization.org/omics', 'credentials.json')
You can also pass the credentials dictionary directly.
from omics_dashboard_client import Session
session = Session('https://group.institution.edu/omics', {'email': 'student@institution.edu', 'password': 'GoodPass'})
from omics_dashboard_client import Session, Collection
session = Session('https://example.com/omics', 'credentials.json')
# access collection #12
collection = session.get(Collection, 12)
# query all collections to get collections fitting a query
# the data received from the query is relatively small because the files are never downloaded
# search with url query parameters may be added in a later API release
collections = [collection for collection in session.get_all(Collection)
if collection.name == 'Test Collection']
# access a collection attribute:
collection_name = collection.name
# access a collection file attribute:
proc_log = collection.get_attr('processing_log')
Because files may be large, they are not downloaded by default.
# modify a collection dataset
from omics_dashboard_client import Session, Collection
session = Session('https://example.com/omics', 'credentials.json')
# get a collection and modify a non-file attribute:
collection = session.get(Collection, 23)
collection.name = 'New Results'
# download the file to modify file contents:
Y = collection.get_dataset('Y')
Y = 0.01 * Y
collection.set_dataset('Y_modified', Y)
# create a new collection from modified collection
collection = session.get_and_download(Collection, 74)
Y = collection.get_dataset('Y')
Y = 0.01 * Y
collection.set_dataset('Y', Y)
collection.set_attr('processing_log', 'Scaled spectra by 0.01')
collection.analysis_ids = [1, 2]
session.create(collection) # the 'id' field will change to that of the new collection, and the old one set as the parent
# Delete a record:
collection = session.get(Collection, 13)
# Get a Pandas DataFrame containing only 'x' and 'Y'
collection = session.get(Collection, 76)
df = collection.get_dataframe(include_labels=False, numeric_columns=True)
from omics_dashboard_client import Session, Workflow, Collection
session = Session('https://example.com/omics', 'credentials.json')
collection = session.get(Collection, 12)
workflow = session.get(Workflow, 7) # Let's say the workflow does PCA on 'Y'
job_params = {
'inputFilenames': [collection.filename]
job = session.submit_job(workflow, job_params)
# you can cancel the job too
msg = session.cancel_job(job)