Official bot of: Animal Crossing - New Leaf 🇧🇷
This bot is just a helping hand for those are want to prof-it on some features about Animal Crossing - New Leaf.
You must to start a chat with the bot, private. Just tap on Start or send /start
You will receive an welcome message and a Main Menu with two options, then just enjoy like below...
There some rules that you will need to pay attention:
- You must register your Friend Code before add turnips or fruits info;
- You could register Buy Price only on sundays;
- You will be able to register Turnips Price Sell, based in the real time (limited by day, not in hours).
- The List Turnips menu will show the list based on the period (Monday - Saturday for Sell Prices and Sunday for Buy Prices )
Check this example:
For now, this bot has just two basic functions:
- Register your Turnips prices;
- List them all;
The bot will check out automatically what's the day of week, when you tap on Cadastrar button, and register your prices on a simple JSON file.
According all users going to registering all the prices, you will be able to check the complete prices list when tap on Listar button.v1.0b: Now, the bot is working with a SQL DB; New features added:
- You can choose between 3ds or Switch (this bot will be usefull for both ACNL and ACNH versions);
- Register/List Friend Code(with your Native);
- Register/List Native Fruit;
- Register/List Turnips by day (real time), you will can register for the Morning and Afternoon as well;
- Register Turnips BUY price (on the sundays only);
v1.1.0: Add Dream Address feature! Now users can be register they own Dream address (like FC);
- Register/List Dream Address