- Description of Application
- Installation & Setup
- How To Use
- Error Handling
- Style Guide Followed
- Features I would've liked to implement
- Resources Used
- Screenshots
The Augmented Eye is a digital news source from the game VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
One of the project options for a PHP course I did was to create a news website, at the time I was playing through VA-11 HALL-A and I thought recreating The Augmented Eye could be more fun than simply creating a basic news website.
This version is slightly more involved than the version found in-game, it features user accounts, article & gallery posting and more.
Open XAMPP Control Panel and install the following services:
- Apache
- FileZilla
Find your sendmail.ini file at: XAMPP_INSTALLATION_FOLDER/sendmail/sendmail.ini
Update the following fields:
In the XAMPP Control Panel, click on Config next to Apache Select php.ini
- Search for output_buffering
- Switch it to On
Go to https://myaccount.google.com/security
Use the search bar to search for app passwords
In the XAMPP Control Panel, click on Config next to Apache Select httpd.conf
Look for the following line
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Uncomment it by removing # at its beginning.
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Find all occurrences of
AllowOverride None
and change them to
Within XAMPP Control Panel, click Admin next to FileZilla
When prompted to connect to a server, just click OK
Select Edit > Users from the menu
Click the Add button in the Users section
Enter FILEZILLA_USER_NAME as the name of the user account.
Under Account settings enable the Password checkbox.
Enter FILEZILLA_PASSWORD as the password of the user.
If you'd like to use a different username/password: you'll need to edit lines 18 & 19 in PHP Scripts/FTP-Handler.php
$ftp_username = 'FILEZILLA_USER_NAME';
$ftp_password = 'FILEZILLA_PASSWORD';
Under Page, select Shared folders
Add a directory as a Shared folder.
Select all eight checkbox options that are available in the Files and Directories section
Set it as the home directory at the bottom right of the Shared folders section.
Navigate to the directory you selected:
Create a directory called Profile Pictures
Copy pfp-placeholder.png from Images to the folder.
Copy Kimberly.webp to from Images/Staff to the folder & rename it to 1.webp
Copy Donovan.webp to from Images/Staff to the folder & rename it to 3.webp
- During installation, when prompted, select the Full installation type.
Open MySQL Workbench Select Local Instance under MySQL connections.
Open the zip file and navigate to the SQL Scripts folder in it.
Drag and drop the 3 scripts into MySQL Workbench and run them.
After running the third:
Edit line 18 & 19 in PHP Scripts/Database-Handler.php to values from the 3. View_MySQL_Users.sql script results:
$db_username = '~~username~~ -> a value from the User column';
$db_password = 'password -> that users password, probably empty';
- Navigate to your XAMPP installation folder.
- Create a folder in the htdocs folder named: The Augmented Eye
- Download this repository
- Open the zip file.
- Extract the contents of The-Augmented-Eye-main in the zip into the folder from step 2.
Preloaded user account info (Email -> Password):
- admin -> admin
- albertus.cilliers@gmail.com -> awe
- lana.smithee@theaugmentedeye.com -> awe
- kimberly.lavallette@theaugmentedeye.com -> awe
- donovan.d.dawson@theaugemnetedeye.com -> Large Beer
Open a web browser and navigate to [localhost/The Augmented Eye/Home](localhost/The Augmented Eye/Home)
To view your profile/logout, hover over the welcome message at the top left.
If you're having issues, ensure you did everything from the Installation & Setup section.
If you're still having issues, check the Error Handling section.
This website is best browsed getting comfortable. Grab some drinks, some snacks, and enjoy!
So sit back and relax. I hope you have a good time!
- User accounts
- Admin accounts
- Profiles
- Profile Pictures
- Password emailing upon registration
- Password & profile picture changing
- Viewing
- Sorting
- Posting
- Tags
- Sharing
- Comments
- Viewing
- Sorting
- Posting
- Newsletter Sending (admins only)
- Articles from the game
- URL rewriting to remove the .php file from browser URLs
- 404 page
Open XAMPP Control Panel.
Ensure Apache, MySQL and FileZilla are all running and configured correctly.
Change line 17 in PHP Scripts/FTP-Handler.php
$ftp_hostname = '~~ -> localhost';
Also, ensure lines 18 & 19 match a valid users credentials in FileZilla.
If you're still getting errors, ensure the FileZilla user your using has permissions on their shared folder.
Run the following in MySQL workbench:
CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Run the following in the MySQL Command Line Interface:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON the_augmented_eye.* TO 'username'@'localhost';
Change lines 18 & 19 in PHP Scripts/Database-Handler.php if needed.
I made an exception for file name format since I wanted uppercase characters in my page names.
I was kinda in a rush to get this finished tho, wanted to move on to the next project yaknow.
- Media queries for resizing elements based on viewport size.
- Responsive arrow when hovering over welcome message.
- More form validation checks.
- User bio.
- View users post history on profile.
- Let the user update the rest of their information aswell, at the moment they can only update their password and profile picture.
- Seperating article/gallery view counts into its own table.
- Filtering articles by tag.
- More admin pages.
- Help display based on current OS.
- Proper Post/Redirect/Get on submit