Helper category for NSError, mark details of NSError more effective.
BAError help you build NSError easily. And you can get more specific description by call localizedDescription
, and readable details chain by call localizedFailureReason
, localizedRecoverySuggestion
For example:
NSError *error1 = [NSError bae_errorWith:@"TestDomain" code:1001 description:@"testDes_1" causes:nil];
NSError *error2 = [NSError bae_errorWith:@"TestDomain" code:1002 description:@"testDes_2" causes:error1, nil];
NSLog(@"%@", error2.localizedDescription);
NSLog(@"%@", error2.localizedFailureReason);
NSLog(@"%@", error2.localizedRecoverySuggestion);
You'll find jsonlized and continuous detail of NSError in console:
- Localized description:
[TestDomain-1002] testDes_2
- Localized failure reason & Localized recovery suggestion
"Domain" : "TestDomain",
"Description" : "testDes_2",
"Causes" : [
"Domain" : "TestDomain",
"Code" : 1001,
"Description" : "testDes_1"
"Code" : 1002
BAError is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'BAError'
BAError is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.