record feature ideas for future implementation or dismissal
create kanban board
record idea in "Backlog" section
create kanban board
create project
template projectName/
create project
$ mkdir projectName
$ cd projectName
$ git init
template projectName/.gitignore
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initialize with .gitignore"
create github repository
$ git remote add origin<<<projectName URL>>>.git
$ git push -u origin master
add a reference to a document
$ mkdir -p toplevel_dir/publishedYear/publishedMonth/
$ cd toplevel_dir/publishedYear/publishedMonth/
template references/
function F() { mkdir -p $1/$2/; cp ../../procedures/template/references/ $1/$2/; }
create haskell package
create project
template projectName/stack.yaml
template projectName/packageName/
add a new module in src/
$ echo "module Path.To.Module where" > Path/To/Module.hs
add `Path.To.Module` to package.yaml > library > exposed-modules
template projectName/packageName/test/Module.hs
add a new executable to a project
echo -e "module Main where\n\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = undefined" >> Path/To/executableName/Main.hs
add to package.yaml > executables
main: Main.hs
source-dirs: executableName
- base
work with this document
Step name is not indented
Steps are indented 4 spaces and appear in temporal order
template requires copying a template AND updating the content of that template according to the needs of the project