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Effectful is an algebraic effect system for Python, intended for use in the implementation of probabilistic programming languages. It is a core component of the ChiRho causal modeling language.


Install From Source

git clone
cd effectful
git checkout master
pip install -e .[pyro]

Install With Optional PyTorch/Pyro Support

effectful has optional support for PyTorch (tensors with named dimensions) and Pyro (wrappers for Pyro effects).

To enable PyTorch support:

pip install effectful[torch]

Pyro support (which includes PyTorch support):

pip install effectful[pyro]

Getting Started

Here's an example demonstrating how effectful can be used to implement a simple DSL that performs arithmetic on terms with free variables.

import functools

from effectful.ops.types import Term
from effectful.ops.syntax import defop
from effectful.ops.semantics import handler, evaluate, coproduct, fwd
from effectful.handlers.numbers import add

def beta_add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    match x, y:
        case int(), int():
            return x + y
        case _:
            return fwd()

def commute_add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    match x, y:
        case Term(), int():
            return y + x
        case _:
            return fwd()

def assoc_add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    match x, y:
        case _, Term(op, (a, b)) if op == add:
            return (x + a) + b
        case _:
            return fwd()

beta_rules = {add: beta_add}
commute_rules = {add: commute_add}
assoc_rules = {add: assoc_add}

eager_mixed = functools.reduce(coproduct, (beta_rules, commute_rules, assoc_rules))

We can represent free variables as operations with no arguments, generated using defop:

>>> x = defop(int, name="x")
>>> y = defop(int, name="y")

If we evaluate an expression containing free variables, we get a term:

>>> e = 1 + 1 + (x() + 1) + (5 + y())
>>> print(e)
add(2, add(add(x(), 1), add(5, y())))

We can make the evaluation strategy smarter by taking advantage of the commutativity and associativity of addition, as expressed by the commute_add and assoc_add handlers.

>>> with handler(eager_mixed):
>>>     print(evaluate(e))
add(8, add(x(), y()))

Learn More

More examples and API documentation can be found in the docs.