Powershell wrapper around Valve's SteamCmd utility.
Wraps functionality of steamcmd.exe for easier use in Powershell
The following script
- imports the SteamCmd powershell module.
- instantiates an instance of SteamCmd, pointing to the local folder where it can find or download steamcmd.exe.
- executes steamcmd.exe +app_info_print and returns the output as a custom Powershell object.
Using module .\SteamCmd.psm1;
$Script:steamcmd = [SteamCmd]::new('.\steamcmd\', $true);
$rustAppInfo = $steamcmd.GetSteamAppInfo("258550");
ConvertTo-Json $rustAppInfo | Write-Host;
Parses Valve's VDF format and returns it as a PSCustomObject. This class has been translated to Powershell from Shravan2x's Gameloop C# project
Using module .\VdfDeserializer.psm1;
$vdfContent = '
"baz" "1"
"qux" "2"
$vdf = [VdfDeserializer]::new();
$result = $vdf.Deserialize($vdfContent);
ConvertTo-Json $result | Write-Host ;