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119 lines (76 loc) · 3.77 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (76 loc) · 3.77 KB

0.1.4 (October 24, 2020)

  • PWA added.

0.1.3 (October 23, 2020)

  • improve ux of sidebar.
  • add logo in header

0.1.2 (October 5, 2020)

  • add versions in menu.

0.1.1 (September 13, 2020)

  • add internationalisation with i18n
  • add Matherial ui

0.0.1 (July 5, 2020)

  • Generation of a mark on the issuance of results
  • Generating a code entry note from a form.

0.1.5 (December 28, 2019)

  • The problem with changing the password has been fixed.
  • When changing the password, the user always becomes normal.

0.1.4 (December 23, 2019)

  • After changing the password, it takes you to enter the page and requires you to enter a new password, and automatically
  • the old password is entered in input input.
  • Validation Procedure:
  • The password has not been changed because the new password was repeated incorrectly.
  • The password has not been changed, since the new password is shorter than six characters, consists only of numbers, or contains invalid characters.
  • Invalid old password (no).
  • There is no such GenId in the database;
  • A user with such mail or GenId is already registered;
  • Changed qrcode Api to qrcode generator (qrcode.react);

0.1.3 (December 16, 2019)


  • Fix text on different pages.
  • Edited the registration method, now it is not possible to create an admin using the post-method.
  • Error handling during registration:
    1. There is no such GenId in the database.
    1. A user with such mail or GenId is already registered.
  • After the first registration, it redirects to login and substitutes the entered mail and genId for login.

0.1.2 (December 15, 2019)

In the next version we will be introduced:

  • Statistics on requests;


  • x 1. Add the ability to import from EXCEL or another database.
  • ?/✓ 2. Collect a security system for data so that there is no single access to all data.
  • ? 3. Add the ability to make passwords and make them more complicated (8 characters, letters + numbers).
  • ✓ 4. In the data on genetic mutations leave: 0 - no mutation, 1 - heterozygous for the mutation, 2 - homozygous for the mutation, n / a - no data.

0.1.1 (December 12, 2019)

In the next version we will be introduced:

  • SetTimeout password protection (3-5 and water);
  • Matherial UI Theme;
  • Change Password;


  • Edited the settings page in the profile;
  • Redid the render rule of the settings button in the profile;
  • If the user is logged in then throw on the profile;
  • Edit info on profile page (0 -> нет, 1 -> да, н, undefined -> н/д);
  • Error handling for matches in the email and password database;

0.1.0 (April 28, 2019)

G-app App 0.1 brings some exciting new features including support for Hooks!

Thanks to all the maintainers and contributors who worked so hard on this release! 🎉


  • Create main page: #0001
  • Delete rating: #0002
  • Helming routes + random page: #0003
  • Do api methods: #0004
  • Upgrade macadress issuses: #6278
  • Debugging and someon else: #6278

Migrating from 0.0.1 to 0.1.0

bcrypt 1.0.3 -> 2.0.1
upgrade macadress

New Features

  • Can watch hows add gen
  • В панеле анкет, зайдя кликнув по genId, перейдем к модели genId
  • Пока анкет не наделаешь в админке
  • Админ может менять рейтинг анкеты, который по дефолту 9
  • Только у одной учётки есть права удалять/редактировать/создавать юзеров/посты/мутации
  • Нельзя из админки редакдир0вадь р0ль, д.к. иначе не в0зм0жн0 будед вернудь себе права
  • Обработка fetch img из0бражения
  • Validation
  • Fr0m registerScreem