Project | Description |
pact-contract-provider | provider application |
pact-contract-consumer | consumer application |
choose the branch based on below maintained versions.
Branch/Version | Spring Boot | Pact Broker |
master | 2.2.6.RELEASE | 4.0.10 |
v2.0 | 2.1.5.RELEASE | 3.5.7 |
v1.0 | 1.5.7.RELEASE | 3.5.7 |
- Start pact broker as docker containers
$ cd contract-pact-springboot
$ docker-compose up -d
- View Pact broker url
Start with consumer first, As it is consumer driven contract framework.
- Add below dependencies in pom.xml
- Add pact jvm provider maven plugin
- Write the consumer contract test
public class SaveInventoryConsumerTest{
public PactProviderRule mockProvider = new PactProviderRule("inventory_provider","localhost", 8080, this);
private RestTemplate restTemplate=new RestTemplate();
@Pact(provider = "inventory_provider", consumer = "inventory_consumer")
public RequestResponsePact createPact(PactDslWithProvider builder) {
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);
PactDslJsonBody bodyResponse = new PactDslJsonBody()
.stringValue("productName", "TV")
.stringType("locationName", "CHENNAI")
.integerType("quantity", 100);
return builder
.given("create inventory").uponReceiving("a request to save inventory")
public void testCreateInventoryConsumer() throws IOException {
Inventory inventory=new Inventory("TV", "CHENNAI", 100);
HttpHeaders headers=new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity<Object> request=new HttpEntity<Object>(inventory, headers);
System.out.println("MOCK provider URL"+mockProvider.getUrl());
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity=restTemplate.postForEntity(mockProvider.getUrl()+"/api/inventory", request, String.class);
assertEquals((Integer)100, (Integer),"$.quantity"));
- Run maven build to publish the pacts to the pact broker
cd pact-contract-consumer
mvn clean install pact:publish
- Verify the pact broker with the contracts
Now move on to provider side
- Add the below dependencies in pom.xml
- Add the pact provider test case
Test case to test against the pacts from the pact broker to test against the pacts from the pact broker
@SpringBootTest(classes=PactContractProviderApplication.class,properties={"",""},webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
public class InventoryProviderTest {
private InventoryService inventoryService;
public final Target target = new HttpTarget(9050);
@State(value="create inventory")
public void createInventoryState() throws Exception{
Inventory inventory=new Inventory("TV", "CHENNAI", 100);
when(inventoryService.saveInventory(any(Inventory.class))).thenReturn(inventory) ;
- Run maven build at the provider side
cd pact-contract-provider
mvn clean install -Dpact.verifier.publishResults=true
mvn test -Dpact.verifier.publishResults=true
- Using @PactBroker(host="localhost",port="8500") to define the pact broker host and port.
- Using
to load the spring container using @SpringBootTest. - Starting the application server using the line
new HttpTarget(9050)
. - Mentioning Pact broker url and Pact directory is key to generate pacts at the consumer side.