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Opinionated zero dependency library to sync Sequelize and GraphQL.


The library is in WIP until v2 is released. Issues and PRs are welcomed.

Key features

  • Define your model in one place and have the Sequelize model as well as the GraphQL type auto-generated.
  • GraphQL oriented (e.g A model must have a primary key named id wich is by default a UUID mapped to a GraphQLID).
  • Association handling (e.g An hasMany association will be exposed as a pagination).
  • Pagination utility which is orderable, filterable, and type safe.
  • N+1 query handling. Caching and batching is automatically handled.
  • Enums handling.
  • Sequelize utilities.
  • GraphQL utilities.

Getting Started

Install sequelize-graphql from npm

With npm:

npm install --save @sequelize-graphql/core sequelize graphql dataloader

or using yarn:

yarn add @sequelize-graphql/core sequelize graphql dataloader

See Peer dependencies breakdown for more information.

Setup the context and you are good to go:

import { makeContext } from '@sequelize-graphql/core';

// Apollo Server example
const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server, {
  context: async ({ req, res }) => ({
    ...makeContext(), // An object containing everyting sequelize-graphql needs to work properly.
    authToken: req.headers.authorization, // Stuff you want to place in the context like an auth token.


One can easily define a model like so:

import type { ForeignKey } from 'sequelize';
import type { IdType, InferModelAttributesWithDefaults } from '@sequelize-graphql/core';

import { GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLString } from 'graphql';
import { Model, STRING, ID, ENUM } from '@sequelize-graphql/core';
import sequelize from '@db/index';
import { Author, Rating } from '@models/index';

export enum Genre {
  Action = 'Action',
  Fantasy = 'Fantasy',
  Horror = 'Horror',

export const GenreEnum = ENUM({ name: 'Genre', values: Genre });

export interface BookModel extends InferModelAttributesWithDefaults<BookModel> {
  title: string;
  genre: Genre;

  authorId: ForeignKey<IdType>; // Auto-added by the belongsTo association

const Book: Model<BookModel> = new Model({
  name: 'Book',
  columns: {
    title: { type: STRING, allowNull: false, exposed: true },
    genre: { type: GenreEnum, defaultValue: Genre.Action, exposed: true },
  fields: {
    fullTitle: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
      async resolve(book, args, ctx) {
        const { authorId, title } = book;
        const author = await Author.ensureExistence(authorId, { ctx });
        return `${title} by ${}`;
  associations: () => ({
    author: {
      model: Author,
      type: 'belongsTo',
      exposed: true,

    ratings: {
      model: Rating,
      type: 'hasMany',
      exposed: true,
  timestamps: true,

Here is the GraphQL type that will be generated:

type Book {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: Date!
  updatedAt: Date!
  title: String!
  genre: Genre
  author: Author
  ratings(offset: Int, limit: Int, order: [RatingOrderBy!], filters: RatingFilters): RatingOffsetConnection!
  fullTitle: String!

The lib comes with a set of utilities to generate queries and mutations for your models.

export default new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Query',
  fields: {
    ...exposeModel(Book, {
      findById: 'book',
      findByIds: false,
      pagination: 'books',
type Query {
  book(id: ID!): Book!
  books(offset: Int, limit: Int, order: [BookOrderBy!], filters: BookFilters): BookOffsetConnection!


import { GraphQLID, GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLString } from 'graphql';
import { genModelMutations } from '@sequelize-graphql/core';
import { Book, Author, GenreEnum } from '@models/index';

export default genModelMutations(Book, {
  create: {
    args: {
      authorId: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID) },
      title: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString) },
      genre: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GenreEnum.gqlType) },
    async resolve(_, args, ctx) {
      const { authorId, title, genre } = args;
      await Author.ensureExistence(authorId, { ctx });
      return Book.model.create({ authorId, title, genre });

  update: {
    args: {
      title: { type: GraphQLString },
      genre: { type: GenreEnum.gqlType },
    async resolve(book, args, ctx) {
      const { title, genre } = args;
      return book.update({ title, genre });

  delete: true,
type BookMutation {
  create(input: BookCreateInput!): Book!
  update(id: ID!, input: BookUpdateInput!): Book!
  delete(id: ID!): Boolean!


A simple project running sequelize-graphql:


Opinionated zero dependency library to sync Sequelize and GraphQL





