NLims Controller is a Laboratory Information Management Systems' (LIMS) service which communicates with Eletronic Medical Record System (EMRS). It is used to exhange lab orders between these two systems. This README documents steps that are necessary to get the service up and running.
- ruby ~> 2.5.3
- bundler ~> 2.1.4
- rails ~> 5.1.7
- Mysql ~> 5.7
- Couchdb ~> 3.1.0
Rename .example files in config.
From the commandline, moved into config directory then rename all files with .example by removing the .example extension from then.
Here is the command:
cd config cp database.yml.example database.yml cp application.yml.example application.yml cp couchdb.yml.example couchdb.yml cp secrets.yml.example secrets.yml
Configure your facility.
Using your text editor open application.yml in config and provide district, facility_name and facility_code. Thus, your application.yml should look like this
district: "Lilongwe" facility_name: "Kamuzu Central Hospital" facility_code: 'KCH'
Configure your database.
While still in config folder, provide details of your mysql database in database.yml and couchdb in couchdb.yml respectively.
For database.yml, replace username with the username of your mysql and password with the password of your mysql.
Here is the example:
default: &default
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8
pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
username: your_username
password: your_password
socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
<<: *default
database: lims_db
<<: *default
database: lims_test
<<: *default
database: nlims_production
username: your_username
password: <%= ENV['NLIMS_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] %>In couchdb, provide details of your couchdb including protocol (whether http or https), port (normally runs on 5984, but can be replaced with your couchdb port), host, database name in form of prefix and suffix (for example, if your database name is "lims_database" then your prefix will be "lims" and "database" will be your suffix, but if your database is just "lims" then "lims" will be your prefix and no suffix), username and password.
Here is an example of how your couchdb.yml will be:
development: &development
protocol: 'http'
host: your_host
port: 5984
prefix: nlims
suffix: repo
username: your_username
password: your_password
<<: *development
suffix: test
<<: *development
protocol: 'http'
Install ruby gems by running the following command:
bundle install
Initiate database by running this command;
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
NB: Database initialization is completed by a service called nlims_data_syncroniser. This service is used to sync data between two sites using couchdb.
To run the application in development server, type the following in commandline:
rails s -p 3010
Or using a passenger
passenger start -p 3010
To deploy the application in production you can either use nginx or apache2 servers. Nginx is recommended since it has been tested and approved by our deployment team.
Initialize database
To initialize database for development, in the database.yml folder in production block, provide the name of the database and the username. In your commandline type the following (replacing your_password with your actual password of mysql database):
export NLIMS_DATABASE_PASSWORD='your_password'
Then run the following commands to create, migrate and seed data into your database:
rails db:create RAILS_ENV=production rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production rails db:seed RAILS_ENV=production
Retrieve target labs.
The following endpont is used to get a list of target labs from LIMS:
Method: GET URL: http://your_host:3010/api/v1/retrieve_target_labs
Order tests
The following endpoint is used to order tests in LIMS:
Method: POST URL: http://your_host:3010/api/v1/create_order Payload: { "district"=>"Lilongwe", "health_facility_name"=>"Ntchisi District Hospital", "first_name"=>"Ted", "last_name"=>"Talk", "middle_name"=>"", "date_of_birth"=>"1994-05-15", "gender"=>"M", "national_patient_id"=>"P158602329249", "phone_number"=>"", "who_order_test_last_name"=>"User", "who_order_test_first_name"=>"Super", "who_order_test_id"=>"1", "order_location"=>"TB", "date_sample_drawn"=>"2020-05-15T14:55:33.000+02:00", "tests"=>["TB"], "sample_priority"=>"Diagnosis", "art_start_date"=>"not_applicable", "sample_type"=>"Sputum", "sample_status"=>"specimen_not_collected", "target_lab"=>"Kamuzu Central Hospital", "recommended_examination"=>nil, "treatment_history"=>nil, "sample_date"=>"2020-05-15", "sending_facility"=>"Ntchisi District Hospital", "time_line"=>"NA", "requesting_clinician"=>"admin" }
We are very much willing to have your contributions. Contact BHT software development team @ for such arrangements.
Issues with the system can be logged on directy here on git. You can also contact BHT software support team @