- Modification: Modified patient dashboard on lab results, fixed edit demographics views
- Modification: Rework on HIV Test question for new and subsequent visits
- Fix: Confirm dashbord fix
- Modification: Removed previous hiv test question for hiv positive patients
- Modification: Modified hiv prev neg patients list from reporst controller
- Modification: Modified Lab results to ask for pregnancy test only if never been tested in any of the previous visits
- Modification: Modified hiv new negative query for cohort report
- Modification: Modified sp doses, albendazo queries for cohort report
- Modification: Modified cohort queries for prev hiv pos and prev hiv neg
- Fix: Fix on selecting december monthly report
- Fix: Fixed bug on obstetric history which unabled user to click ok once input has been entered for birth details
- Modification: Modified ITN report query
- Addition: Added portal attribute to application config file and modified sp report query
- Modification: Modified edit birthdate and edit demographics views
- Modification: Modified dde views
- Fix: Fixed issue with drug dispensation (#5148)
- Modification: Added dde configuration instruction in README
- Fix: Validated age at death in obstetric history for the input value not to exceed mothers age minus 10 years
- Fix: Fixed prescription issue when dispensing drugs with drug sets configured (4874)
- Modification: Restrict maximum number of characters for input in user and patient registration
- Modification: Removed username input for updateuser function (4804)
- Modification: Modified Para input keyboard to numbersonly (#4834)
- Fix: Fix hiv test alert for patients who have not been tested hiv
- Fix: Fixed pepfar report query, added district attributre in application config file, returned nearby or frequent nationalities on nationality input
- Modification: Modified the position of messagebar.
- Fix: Fixed issue where the workflow skipped dispensation
- Fix: Fix application crashing when creating patient locally not through any external app. Issue number 5093
- Modification: Modified changelog
- Feature: Added changelog for easy tracking of application changes
- Modification: Modified readme
- Fix: Fixing dde integrations compatibility issues
- Fix: Fixed session datetime and proceed to pmtct
- Modification: Cohort report queries on hb
- Feature: Added fendal height and fetal heart rate questions
- Fix: Fix for retrospective session_datetime for obstetric history
- Fix: Converted session datetime to date: retrospective fix.
- Modification: Modified query for pregnancy test on report
- Feature: Queries for pregnancy tests on cohort report
- Fix: Fixed dde integration issues
- Fix: Resolved retrospective issue and added new features
- Fix: Retrospective error fix
- Fix: Fix observations void
- Modification: Modified report pdf template
- Modification: Modified setdate link on patient dashboard, ANC version query and tt_cancel_destination on scan person template
- Modification: Modified report to match version 5 cohort report.
- Fix: Fix HIV Test date
- Fix: Current date display on patient dashbord fixed and previous hiv test asking even not done fixed.
- Modification: Modified lab results for previous hiv+ patients
- Fix: Fixed report issues
- Fix: Report fixes
- Modification: Modified patient worrkflow
- Modification: Modified reports functionalities
- Modification: Modified BP views
- Fix: Validated previous test date
- Fix: Enforce input fields validations
- Fix: Validation rule on para and gravida (Issue #4833)
- Fix: Redirect after user creation (Issue #4800)
- Modification: Modified tt cancel destination
- Fix: Names validation fix for users (Issue #4807)
- Fix: Names validation fix (Issue #4807)
- Fix: Patient to assign different national ID (Issues #4808)
- Fix: Father details crash fixed (Issue #4812)
- Fix: Disable application from entering BP with decimals (Issues #3829, #3830)
- Fix: Fixed set datetime issue #4814
- Feature: Added version number on patient dashbaord and application dashboard
- Modification: Modified database config file (Issue #4702), ability for application to void encounters (issues #4815), modified readme
- Feature: Added database config file