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146 lines (119 loc) · 4.63 KB

File metadata and controls

146 lines (119 loc) · 4.63 KB


The quick, easily-customizable status line plugin written in the cutting-edge Vim9 script.



This plugin supports Vim version 9.0+. Neovim is not supported. This plugin is still not released, so anything can change.


Every configurations are stored in a dictionary named g:qline_config. Its format is like lightline.vim but with some differences. On loading qline.vim, the dictionary will be "merged" with the default configuration, so you can check g:qline_config to see the current configuration at any time.

The default value is written here.

Click here to show the example configuration (which is part of mine)

Note that some components require followings:

" Define highlight for Git-related components.
highlight Git guibg=#F34F29 guifg=#FFFFFF ctermbg=202 ctermfg=231

" Use :vim9cmd to use Vim9 syntax and compiled lambdas in a legacy Vim script.
vim9cmd g:qline_config = {
# Use the powerline glyphs for separators.
  separator:    {left: "\ue0b0", right: "\ue0b2", margin: ' '},
  subseparator: {left: "\ue0b1", right: "\ue0b3", margin: ' '},
# Specify components in the each sides for active/inactive windows.
# Each modes can also have separate settings.
  active: {
    left: [
      ['mode', 'paste'],
      ['gin_branch', 'gin_traffic', 'filename', 'gitgutter'],
    right: [
      ['%c%-1V', 'searchcount']
  inactive: {
    left: [['filename', 'gitgutter'], ['bufstate']],
    right: [['filetype'], ['fileinfo']],
    separator: {left: '', right: '', margin: ' '},
    subseparator: {left: '|', right: '|', margin: ' '},
  insert: {
    separator:    {left: "\ue0c0", right: "\ue0c2", margin: ' '},
    subseparator: {left: "\ue0c1", right: "\ue0c3", margin: ' '},
  replace: {
    separator:    {left: "\ue0c0", right: "\ue0c2", margin: ' '},
    subseparator: {left: "\ue0c1", right: "\ue0c3", margin: ' '},
# Define components. You can overwrite or append to the default definitions.
# If its content is a Funcref, it is evaluated before parsing the statusline.
# The component is collapsed when visible_condition results in Falsy, when
# the content results in empty string, or when the evaluation fails. Funcrefs
# are evaluated in the context of the window of the drawing status line.
  component: {
    fileinfo: {
      content: () =>
        $'{&fenc ?? &enc} {nerdfont#fileformat#find()}{&bomb ? "\U1f4a3" : ''}',
      visible_condition: () => !&buftype,
    bufstate: {
      content: () =>
        $'{&readonly ? "\uf023" : ''}{&modifiable ? '' : "\uf05e"}{&modified ? "\uf040" : ''}',
    filetype: {
      content: () => nerdfont#find(),
    gin_branch: {
      content: () => substitute(gin#component#branch#ascii(), '^\(\S\+\).*', '\1', ''),
      highlight: 'Git',
    gin_traffic: {
      content: () => gin#component#traffic#unicode(),
      highlight: 'Git',
    gitgutter: {
      content: () =>
          ->mapnew((idx, val) => !val ? '' : ['+', '~', '-'][idx] .. val)
          ->filter((_, val) => !!val)
      visible_condition: () => g:GitGutterGetHunks(),


Currently the only default colorscheme is bundled. However, you can import colorschemes from vim-airline and lightline.vim. To import, you need to install those plugins and disable them.

Plug 'Bakudankun/qline.vim'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'

let g:loaded_airline = 1
let g:loaded_lightline = 1

Then you can use their colorschemes by adding colorscheme item to the config:

let g:qline_config.colorscheme = 'airline:cool'

or use :QlineColorscheme to change the colorscheme after startup.


qline.vim has been disabled for some reason.

When qline.vim runs into an error, qline.vim may be disabled forcibly by Vim. :call qline#Enable() to re-enable.