There are two versions of notebooks in here:
- original one in the notebooks/ directory loading metrics from data/ directory.
- latest one, using a notebook in the ./ directory loading metrics from a Google Sheet.
Using Google Colaboratory environment, the notebook Evaluate_3D_Printer_Logs.ipynb
loads captured printer statistics, and generates graphs with optional downloads. It requires a Google account and permission to use it. You may not have access to the printer logs - they're in a Google Sheet I maintain in a BARN-specific account. But you can see the current version of the data captured in this notebook.
This is a capture and quick analysis of the statistics we capture from our collection of 3D printers. There's not a lot of data available - mainly print-time and filament-used. These are cumulative values, and have (so far) recorded them intermittently.
This is also intended to be educational and demonstrative to other org members, to learn how to:
- use a Python virtual environment
- use a Jupyter notebook in the virtual environment
- use Pandas/numpy/scipy for data import, preparation, and (basic) analysis
- use Matplotlib/Seaborn for basic visualization
There is a requirements.txt here that captures the packages I loaded into a virtual environment, but many of them came in as transitive d ependencies. The list of packages I started with is a lot smaller and for the most part should not be version-specific. With that in mind, here's the basic instructions to setup:
- some version of Python 3 and pip should be installed.
- you should be in the directory with the repo, or where you want to install your virtual environment
- mkdir pyenv
- python3 -m venv pyenv
- source pyenv/bin/activate
- pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install wheel
- pip install pandas
- pip install scipy
- pip install matplotlib
- pip install s3fs
- pip install seaborn
- pip install scikit-learn
- pip install jupyter
Now when you're in this directory, should execute the command jupyter notebook
and follow the instructions
to open a browser to the appropriate location.
From there, just open the document(s) in the notebooks/
directory and run all cells.