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Homework 4: UML Activity Diagram |
30 points possible. 15 points for each UML diagram.
For this homework you will produce two UML activity diagrams with swimlanes that will inform your development of Lab 3 and will be included in the Lab 3 writeup.
- Understand what a UML activity diagram means.
- Use swimlanes to indicate the tasks done by different parts of the program.
- Learn how to produce a UML activity diagram.
- Use a UML activity diagram to plan development work.
A Web Image search for "UML Activity Diagram" will yield some good examples. Look for one that includes swim lanes.
Here are some selected examples:
- Activity Diagram with Swimlane Sample
- Lucidchart Activity Diagram Example
- StarterTutorials: Activity Diagrams
You may use any tool you like for producing your UML. This includes hand-drawing the UML on paper and submitting a photo or scan. The objective is to understand UML Sequence Diagrams, NOT mastery of any particular drawing tool.
If you choose to use a digital tool, here are some good options:
- LucidChart
- Diagrams.net
- gleek_
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Visio
Create two UML activity diagrams for Lab 3a using correct notation as discussed in class S6 (see slides). Make sure they both use the following swimlanes: "User", "Browser", "Server/PHP", "Database". They should carefully indicate the login and registration portion of the lab.
You should have one UML for registration and another one for login. Each should include a start and end circle, conditional diamonds (e.g., to show error handling or other logic) with labeled edges, and the key activities that occur at the various stages of the project (e.g., creating session variables, sending data, running queries...).
Submit your work using View/Submit on the assignment in LearningSuite. If you have more than one file to submit, create a .zip file containing all parts of your submission.