This GitHub Pages site contains materieals in support of BYU Information Technology & Cybersecurity 210.
This repository also demonstrates a convenient way to run Jekyll locally on Windows using Docker. Doing so will help you debug your site before committing to GitHub.
These instructions are accurate as of December 2020. Microsoft is rapidly imporoving the Linux Subsystem for Windows so the instructions may change / improve over time.
Follow these instructions:
Follow these instructions:
The correct Docker packages and configuration are contained in the docker-compose.yml
file in the root of the site. Open a command line, change directories to the directory containing the source code and execute the following command:
docker-compose up
The first time you run this, it will download the needed docker containers which will take a few seconds. Subsequent launches will be faster.
Once the container is running, the website will be available at http://localhost:4000
When you're finished testing the site return to the command line window and press CTRL-C to gracefully shut down Jekyll. Then use the following command to shut down docker.
docker-compose down