People do have multiple accounts and their passwords some of this accounts include:
- Gmail
- Slack etc.
The problem that arises is that people tend to forget some passwords of different accounts ...Therefore this application solves this problem by storing a user's account and the password related to it. An example is like twitter. You can store the *account*: twitter and the *password*: twitterpassword
- Technologies
- python3.6
- pyperclip how to install pyperclip: python3.6 -m pip install pyperclip
- runs on >= ubuntu 16.04
- Syntax
- import getpass
- import pyperclip
- import random
- The application runs 10 tests has two classes Users and Credentials
First of all the user has to be able to run the application using *python3.6* but if the user has run the following command *chmod +x* on the terminal he can run the application by typing ./
When the user runs the application The user gets to create an account. There are three keywords that are in the instructions the user has to input
create: this for creating the account. After this the user will be prompted to log in * note. You can either decide to genearate your own password or use the default password :
> *d:* genarates a default password for you
> *p* genarates your own password
login: this will prompt the user to a login menu where he/she will create an account after they have registered exit: this will exit the Application
- Once a user is logged a menu will pop-up requesting the user to enter the following codes:
c: creates an account and the password for the account * note. If you create an account you will be prompted to to enter a secret_key:
> *sk* generate your secret key
> *dsk* get a default secret key
> ***_note: always remeber your secret key since it will be used to search for your saved account credential_***
s: search for your account credential * note you will be asked to enter the secret key of your account so as to be able to search for your saved account credentials d: displays your saved credentials account and its password