! All the changes to the original files are listed in each section so you can modify only those lines without downloading and replacing the whole file.
! All the screenshots are taken with a custom palette, final results may vary from the images shown here.
This prompt is made for the zsh shell, to use it add it to your .zshrc file or if you are using Oh-my-Zsh! create a theme in
named like _mytheme.zsh-theme_
and change the ZSH_THEME to the name of your theme (without file extension).
To use this dircolors you have to set up in your bashrc/zshrc/kshrc a line like this one:eval $(dircolors /location/of/dircolors/file)
This is the output of the .conkyrc file, to change the accent color modify default_color in .conkyrc and set it to your desired color,
the location is set for a 1920x1080p screen, adjust it to your screen values.
In my case the glava size and position is adjusted to fit on top of the conky window.
COLOR (#cf0000 * GRADIENT)
setdecorated false
setmirror true
setgeometry 1490 -390 435 600
setxwintype "dock"
addxwinstate "below"
addxwinstate "sticky"
addxwinstate "skip_taskbar"
addxwinstate "skip_pager"
addxwinstate "pinned"
setframerate 60
setfullscreencheck true
setprintframes false
setforcegeometry true
mkdir ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes && mv .py ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes
And edit the colorscheme line to your preferences
preview_images true
collapse_preview false
mouse_enabled false
!mime ^text, label editor. has atom, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = atom -- "$@" & disown
!mime ^text, label pager. has highlight, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = highlight -O ansi | less -- "$@"
-Normal colors -Bright colors black: 0x000000 black: 0x585858 red: 0xc92c2c red: 0xd44646 green: 0x7dcf3e green: 0xa1b56c yellow: 0xcfcf3e yellow: 0xf7ca88 blue: 0x3e82cf blue: 0x7cafc2 magenta: 0xad51b5 magenta: 0xba8baf cyan: 0x51b5a1 cyan: 0x86c1b9 white: 0xd8d8d8 white: 0xf8f8f8(To much bloom, i know, but this terminal it's just for flexing not for work) The blur effect is achieved with this kwin script from esjeon
These are the apps that i dont want to make translucent, if you want to add more all you have to do is append to the opaque section like this:
Opaque apps:
- Firefox
- Atom
- Kate
- Virtualbox
- Thumb button
- Drag left -> Move window to left
- Drag right -> Move window to right
- Drag up -> Maximize window
- Drag down -> Minimize window
- Thumb wheel
- Tap -> Alt key
- Scroll up -> Next app
- Scroll down -> Previous app
- Central button
- Click -> Lock/Unlock wheel
- Drag right -> Previous desktop
- Drag left -> Next desktop
- Drag down -> Close session
- Two fingers
- Drag up/down -> Scroll vertically
- Drag right/left -> Scroll horizontally
- Three fingers
- Drag up -> Maximize window
- Drag down -> Minimize window
- Drag right/left -> Scroll through runnning apps
- Four fingers
- Drag down -> Show desktop
- Drag right -> Previous desktop
- Drag left -> Next desktop