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Releases: BHM-Bob/BA_PY


19 Jun 14:21
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2024/6/19 21:29:28

Focus on

  1. Fix bugs in bio.Peptide function assembly
  2. Fix code in web.utils.TaskPool function assembly

What's New

  • addon: add mbapy\bio\ as sub-module

Minor Addon

  • minor addon: mbapy\bio\ add calcu_peptide_mutations
  • minor addon: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData: add add_match_record
  • minor addon: mbapy\ write_sheets: add writer_kwgs and kwargs
  • minor addon: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData: ESI_IRON_MODE: add [M+2H]2+ and [M+3H]3+
  • minor addon: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData: add_match_record: add charge
  • minor addon: mbapy\scripts\ plot-mass: add legend_bbox arg
  • minor-addon: mbapy\sci_instrument\ support plot match_df tag
  • minor addon: mbapy\sci_instrument\ HplcData: add method: calcu_single_peak_area
  • minor addon: mbapy\scripts\ explore-hplc: add manual peak area integrate


  • fix-bug: mbapy\ SciInstrumentData: save_processed_data: do not save index now
  • fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\hplc\ WatersData: save_processed_data: do not save index now
  • fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData: save_processed_data: do not save index now
  • fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\hplc\ WatersData: get_abs_data: return refined_abs_data if need


  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData: add match_df
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\mass\ SciexPeakListData: process_raw_data: Monoisotopic as bool
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ fit_mass: use match_df
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ fit_mass: only fit Monoisotopic now
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ fit_mass: minor changes
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ plot_hplc: use refined_abs_data to get abs data
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ plot_hplc: minus refine number now
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ explore-hplc: _ui_refinment_numbers use tag2label now


None or a little.

Other Changes

  • fix-code: requirements.json: matplotlib requires version >=3.7.5


Full Changelog: v0.8.4...v0.8.5


16 Jun 03:00
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2024-06-16 10:54:32

Focus on

  1. Fix bugs in bio.Peptide function assembly
  2. Fix code in web.utils.TaskPool function assembly

What's New

None or a little.

Minor Addon

  • minor add: mbapy\web_utils\ TaskPool: add method: query_single_task_from_tasks
  • minor addon: mbapy\bio\ add eq for AnimoAcid and Peptide


  • fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\ & mbapy\scripts\ handle is_y_log rightly
  • fix-bug: mbapy\scripts\ fit_mass: make_args: add missing argument 'mass'
  • fix-bug: mbapy\scripts\ fit_mass: process_args: only extend unique seq now


  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ plot_mass: load_suffix_data: using task_pool.query_single_task_from_tasks instead of task_pool.query_task
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ explore_mass: main_process: using Thread to load data in background
  • fix-code: mbapy\ add all


None or a little.

Other Changes

None or a little.




14 Jun 08:28
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2024/6/13 10:30:34

Focus on

  1. Fix bugs in Mass function assembly
  2. Add new command: fit-mass

What's New

  • addon: mbapy\ add _print
  • addon: mbapy\scripts\ add new command: fit-mass

Minnor Addon

  • minnor-addon: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData: add ESI_IRON_MODE attr fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData.search_peaks: consider egde when concatenate y_list_r


  • fix-bug: mbapy\web_utils\ TaskPool: query_task: now block when block param is true and task is not returned by the query and is not timeout
  • fix-bug: mbapy\scripts\ plot-mass: set CHARGE_HEADER depend on mass and X_M_HEADER
  • fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\ recover x, y offset is right now
  • fix-bug: mbapy\scripts\ args.file_labels now add default labels when no file labels given


  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ & mbapy\scripts\ support is_y_log option
  • fix-code: mbapy\ opts_file: add gzip option for pkl
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ re-construct the function calcu_mw_of_mutations to Command class


None or a little.

Other Changes


  • fix-code: requirements.json: add tqdm into 'std'




11 Jun 01:34
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2024-06-10 21:58:55

Focus on

  1. Fix bugs in HPLC and Mass function assembly

What's New

None or a little.


  • fix-bug: mbapy\web_utils\ TaskPool: query_task: now block when block param is true and task is not returned by the query and is not timeout
  • fix-bug: mbapy\scripts\ plot-mass: set CHARGE_HEADER depend on mass and X_M_HEADER
  • fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\ recover x, y offset is right now
  • fix-bug: mbapy\scripts\ args.file_labels now add default labels when no file labels given


  • fix-code: mbapy\ forword scripts exec name to scripts name
  • mbapy\scripts: rename some scripts' name
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData: add CHARGE_HEADER attr
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\mass\ SciexPeakListData: add attr: CHARGE_HEADER
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ plot_mass: support plot charge text
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ plot-hplc: support multi-process plotting
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ plot_hplc: change default fig size
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ add dev-code
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ fix import


None or a little.

Other Changes


  • fix-code: mbapy\storage\mbapy-cli-scripts-list.json: add copy_file for cp as a new exec_name


Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v0.8.2


06 Jun 03:33
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2024/6/6 10:49:03

Focus on

  1. Fix GUI version scripts for scripts/mass::plot-mass and scripts/hplc::plot-hplc
  2. add area calculation function for sci_instruments.hplc._base and plot ability for sci_instruments.hplc._utils

What's New

  • addon: mbapy\sci_instrument\ HplcData: add search_peaks, calcu_peaks_area, get_area


  • fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\ plot_hplc: check peaks_idx before get from areas_info
  • fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\ search_peaks use minute now


  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ plot_hplc: support plot peak-line, underline, area
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ explore-hplc: support plot peak-line, underline, area
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ explore-hplc: add area_percent_df_panel


None or a little.

Other Changes


  • fix-code: add mbapy/storage/icons/scripts-hplc-peak.png


Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.1


01 Jun 12:04
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Focus on

  1. Fix GUI version scripts for scripts/mass::plot-mass and scripts/hplc::plot-hplc
  2. add sci_instrument sub-module to obtain HPLC and Mass function assemble in scripts/mass::plot-mass and scripts/hplc::plot-hplc

What's New

  • addon: add sci_instruments.hplc as sub-module
  • addon: add sci_instruments.hplc._base as sub-module
  • addon: add sci_instruments.hplc._utils as sub-module
  • addon: add sci_instruments.hplc.waters as sub-module
  • addon: add sci_instrument.hplc.SCIEX as sub-module and it's test file
  • addon: add sci_instrument._base as sub-module
  • addon: add mbapy.sci_instrument.mass as sub-module
  • addon: add mbapy.sci_instrument.mass.SCIEX as sub-module
  • addon: add sci_instrument._utils as sub-module
  • addon: add sci_instrument.mass._utils.plot_mass
  • addon: mbapy\ add process_num_label_col_marker


  • fix-bug: scripts/mass: plot-mass: mass option will make right effect on the plot
  • fix-bug: sci_instrument.hplc._utils.plot_hplc: dfs_refinment_x now make effect on start_search_time in each fix-code: sci_instrument.hplc: add TICKS_IN_MINUTE
  • fix-bug: scripts/hplc: explore_hplc.load_data now load data into stored_dfs
  • fix-bug: web.task.TaskPool.wait_till: now will _query_task_queue each time in a loop
  • fix-bug: mbapy\ SciInstrumentData.check_processed_data_empty: use processed_data param now
  • fix-bug: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData.load_processed_data_file: check headers now


  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: explore-hplc: add peak_legend_loc option
  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: explore-hplc: set min_height's default value from 0 to 0.01
  • fix-code: plot.save_show: add kwargs
  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: explore-hplc: add end_search_time and line_width option
  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: explore-hplc: use bbox_extra_artists to include legend while saving
  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: explore-hplc: add refinment option
  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: explore-hplc: add url and port arg
  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: explore-hplc: add bind lim option
  • fix-code: scripts/mass: explore-hplc: add y-lim option
  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: explore-hplc: add refinment option for y-data
  • fix-code: scripts/mass: explore-mass: GUI minor fix
  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: use sci_instrument.hplc sub-module now
  • fix-code: scripts/hplc: use sci_instrument.hplc now
  • fix-code: add web.task.TaskPool.wait_till_tasks_done
  • fix-code: sci_instrument._base.SciInstrumentData.check_processed_data_empty: add processed_data param
  • fix-code: sci_instrument.hplc._utils: move process_file_labels and process_peak_labels to sci_instrument._utils
  • fix-code: sci_instrument.mass._base.MassData.search_peaks: add parallel option
  • fix-code: sci_instrument.mass.SCIEX.SciexPeakListData: process_raw_data now make self.peak_df as self.data_df.copy()
  • fix-code: mbapy.sci_instrument.mass.SCIEX: support load xlsx
  • fix-code: mbapy\ SciInstrumentData: add DATA_FILE_SUFFIX and RECOMENDED_DATA_FILE_SUFFIX attr
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ MassData: add X_MZ_HEADER and X_M_HEADER attr
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ plot_mass: works now
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\mass\ SciexPeakListData and SciexPeakListData: add X_MZ_HEADER and X_M_HEADER attr
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ use mbapy\sci_instrument\mass sub-module now
  • fix-code: mbapy\ add PLT_MARKERS
  • fix-code: mbapy\sci_instrument\ plot_mass: add marker
  • fix-code: mbapy\scripts\ add marker


None or a little.

Other Changes


  • addon: add icon: storage/icons/scripts-hplc-peak.png




10 May 13:14
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Focus on

  1. Add GUI version scripts for scripts/mass::plot-mass and scripts/hplc::plot-hplc
  2. web_utils.task.TaskPool

What's New

  1. addon: add new sub-module: plot_utils.bar_utils, as bar-stuff in plot sub-module
  2. add test/plot_utils/
  3. addon: add new sub-module: plot_utils.scatter_utils
  4. addon: add thread mode in web_utils.task.TaskPool
  5. addon: scripts.scripts_utils: add Command class for making a new way to build a command
  6. addon: scripts.scripts_utils: add excute_command func for making a new way to excuting a command
  7. addon: scripts/mass: add new command 'explore-mass' to config args with webGUI via nicegui
  8. addon: scripts/hplc: add 'explore-hplc': plot HPLC fig with NiceGUI


  1. fix-bug: web_utils.task.TaskPool.close: now stop _async_loop befor close
  2. fix-bug: webutils.task.TaskPool._run_process_loop: remove task after exception
  3. fix-bug: web_utils.task.TaskPool get result in a safe way in async mode
  4. fix-bug: scripts/peptide: mmw: opts_file works with right params
  5. fix-bug: scripts/hplc: explore-hplc: search peaks using prominence instead height
  6. fix-bug: scripts/mass: explore-mass: close un-closed fig before plot to avoid multi fig window
  7. fix-bug: scripts/mass: explore-mass: now use same name as 'plot-mass' to load peaks cache
  8. fix-bug: scripts/mass: explore-mass: now update labels in make_fig to avoid process error on input
  9. fix-bug: scripts/mass: explore-mass: fix label color error
  10. fix-bug: scripts/mass: plot-mass & explore-mass: recovery output path if use_recursive_output
  11. fix-bug: scripts/mass: explore-mass: make right path for saving fig


  1. fix-code: web_utils.task.TaskPool add process mode
  2. fix-code: web_utils.task.TaskPool: add count_waiting_tasks and count_done_tasks
  3. fix-code: web_utils.task.TaskPool: add wait_till
  4. fix-code: scripts/peptide: mmw: add multi-process and disable-verbose option
  5. fix-code: scripts/peptide: mmw: support any multi_processs number
  6. fix-code: scripts/peptide: mmw: add --disable-low-memory option
  7. fix-code: scripts/peptide: mmw: only apply --disable-verbose option in mutation output
  8. fix-code: bio.peptide: Peptide.init: set AAs=[] if repr is None
  9. fix-code: bio.peptide: Peptide.flatten: return seq if inplace is True
  10. fix-code: scripts/peptide: mmw: mutate each AA instead of entire seq to optimze speed
  11. fix-code: web_utils.task: TaskPool.add_task: use uuid4 to generate default name instead of f'time.time():.6f'
  12. fix-code: scripts/extract-dir: skip when dist is source, add option to remove empty dir
  13. fix-code: plot: save_show: add show param
  14. fix-code: plot.get_palette accept other mode


None or a little.

Other Changes


  1. add ujson to full set
  2. add pygame and nicegui to [bio] add nicegui to [full]


Full Changelog: v0.7.3...v0.7.4


25 Apr 15:28
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Focus on

  1. Add new function in web_utils
  2. Reconstruct plot and add new function

What's New

  1. addon: add new sub-module: plot_utils.bar_utils, as bar-stuff in plot sub-module
  2. add test/plot_utils/
  3. addon: add new sub-module: plot_utils.scatter_utils
  4. addon: add thread mode in web_utils.task.TaskPool


  1. fix-bug: web_utils.request.Browser.get return page_source instead of None
  2. fix-bug: base.parameter_checker now support check default value


  1. fix-code: stats.reg: add equation in returns
  2. fix-code: scripts/ and set legend draggable
  3. fix-code: remove plot import in plot_utils.scatter_utils
  4. fix-code: plot_utils.bar_utils.plot_bar: add figsize, dpi, hatchs, ylabel params
  5. fix-code: plot_utils.bar_utils.plot_bar: remove fig param
  6. fix-code: plot: add all
  7. fix-code: rename web_utils.task.CoroutinePool to web_utils.task.TaskPool
  8. fix-cdeo: web_utils.spider support web_utils.task.TaskPool


None or a little.

Other Changes


  1. add more docs


Full Changelog: v0.7.2...v0.7.3


23 Apr 10:57
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Focus on

  1. Fix bug in scripts
  2. Fix bug in plot
  3. Add new scripts

What's New

  1. addon: plot.plot_bar: add xticks_pad param
  2. addon: add stats.test.auto_ind_test
  3. fix-code: add jitter option to plot.plot_bar
  4. fix-code: scripts.script_utils.show_args: add printf param
  5. fix-code: scripts/ mmw: add --disable-aa-deletion option
  6. addon: add new scripts:
  7. addon: add new scripts/
  8. fix-code: scripts/ plot-hplc: add merge option
  9. fix-code: scripts/ plot-mass: add args to control legend pos


  1. fix-bug: file.get_paths_with_extension: use os.listdir instead of os.walk to avoid unexpected files update
  2. fix-bug: plot.plot_bar: set_xlim set right max-lim


  1. fix-code: plot.plot_bar set y-axis fontsize as first x-axis
  2. fix-code: plot.plot_bar accept non-string sub-factors, convert by str()
  3. fix-code: add version req to seaborn because swarmplot
  4. fix-code: plot-mass: find peaks first, then filter
  5. fix-code: examples/plot/ fix import
  6. fix-code: stats.df.pro_bar_data_R fix comment
  7. fix-code: add more info when get unkown scripts
  8. fix-code: scripts/ add sort option
  9. fix-code: plot.plot_bar: err_kwargs.ecolor support list as a input
  10. fix-code: scripts.main: move scripts_info into storage dir as a json file to allow dynamic changes
  11. fix-code: scripts.main.exec_scripts: allow exec scripts with no args
  12. fix-code: scripts/ plot-hplc: support recursive output
  13. minor changes: scripts/ plot-mass: update dpi to 600
  14. fix-code: scripts/ plot-mass: add peaks cache
  15. fix-code: scripts/ plot-mass: support recursive mode


None or a little.

Other Changes


  1. move PyPDF2 to std


Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2


16 Mar 03:04
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  1. fix-bug: plot.get_palette hls for all n number
  2. fix-bug: bio.peptide.AnimoAcid: fix Gly mfd
  3. fix-bug: bio.peptide.AnimoAcid.get_molecular_formula_dict: C_protect noly minus one H when isn't OH now
  4. fix-bug: add MyArgs.get_args which is removed by commit 8a7d344


  1. v0.7.1b1
  2. fix-code: add torch_device param
  3. fix-code: file: add all
  4. fix-bug: plot.get_palette hls for all n number
  5. fix-code: scrits.main.main: add '\n' in the end of the output
  6. fix-bug: bio.peptide.AnimoAcid: fix Gly mfd
  7. fix-code: scripts/ add AA number in mmw output
  8. fix-bug: add MyArgs.get_args which is removed by commit 8a7d344
  9. addon: add method: web_utils.task.CoroutinePool.check_empty
  10. addon: add extract audio imp for scripts/

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1


Focus on

  1. fix BUGs in plot and stats sub-module

What's New

  1. addon: plot.plot_bar support setting for first xlabel offset
  2. addon: plot.plot_bar support linewidth, log and ecolor params
  3. addon: plot.pro_hue_pos support hue_space param
  4. addon: add plot.plot_stats_star
  5. addon: add stats.reg.quadratic_reg
  6. add test/stats/
  7. addon: add stats.test.wilcoxon
  8. addon: add plot.calcu_swarm_pos


  1. fix-bug: stats.test._get_x1_x2 return (N, ) shape instead of (N, 1) so on


  1. fix-code: plot.pro_hue_pos support asymmetric grouping
  2. fix-code: plot.plot_bar support hue_space and bar_space
  3. fix-code: plot.plot_bar support linewidth
  4. fix-code: scripts/ plot-mass now support Mass/Charge data and absorbance data


None or a little.

Other Changes

None or a little.


Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.1