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Running Applications


For testing only:

For development (modifying tools or building and running tools locally):

Run the applications

You have a few options to start applications:

  • Run pre-built Docker images hosted on Docker Hub. The simplest option that launches all required application in 1 minute.
  • Build Docker images from sources. This option is useful if your security policies prohibit running unaudited software locally or on production servers. You can audit this repository, build the images, and run them. You may also publish locally built images to your own storage, such as Nexus, or to publicly available services like Docker Hub or GitHub Packages.
  • Local development. Launch dependencies in Docker containers locally and build all required applications locally as well. Applications connect to local Docker containers and exchange data. This option is best for developing the applications, for example if you want to improve our tool and submit a pull request.

Run pre-built Docker images

BETER maintains the following Docker images:

We have prepared docker-compose.yml for you to simplify the launch. By default, without any additional configuration:

  • Port 8080 is exposed on the host machine for Kafka UI;
  • Kafka ports are not exposed on host machine at all;
  • The latest version (latest Docker tag) of the Feed Emulator and Feed Generator published on Docker Hub will be used;
  • Feed Generator exposes port 51857 on host machine;
  • Feed Emulator exposes port 51858 on host machine;
  • Feed Consumer is not launched.

To launch everything by default, follow these steps:

  1. Download docker-compose.yml.

  2. Launch it in the background.

$ docker compose up -d
  1. Check that the services are running.
docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                 COMMAND                   CREATED          STATUS                            PORTS                                              NAMES
11c7aedda99f   beterco/beter-feed-testing-sandbox-emulator:latest    "dotnet Beter.Feed.T…"    13 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds (health: starting)>80/tcp                              bfts-emulator
6a06c23d0ea7   beterco/beter-feed-testing-sandbox-generator:latest   "dotnet Beter.Feed.T…"    13 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds (health: starting)>80/tcp                              bfts-generator
766924df4e61   confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.4.1                           "/bin/sh -c '\n# bloc…"   13 seconds ago   Exited (0) 4 seconds ago                                                             bfts-init-kafka
cc842a46143d   provectuslabs/kafka-ui:latest                         "/bin/sh -c 'java --…"    13 seconds ago   Up 8 seconds            >8080/tcp                             bfts-kafka-ui
c0810d48eda7   confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.4.1                           "/etc/confluent/dock…"    13 seconds ago   Up 13 seconds (healthy) >9092/tcp,>9101/tcp   bfts-kafka

The bfts-init-kafka container is in "exited" status. It's ok, as this container launches once to create Kafka topics.

You can configure ports and other options by setting environment variables before launching docker compose:

  • BFTS_KAFKA_UI_PORT - sets the port used for Kafka UI.
  • BFTS_GENERATOR_PORT - sets the port used by Feed Generator to receive API commands to run/list/stop test scenarios.
  • BFTS_EMULATOR_PORT - sets port used by Feed Emulator to listen connections from Feed Consumers, and also control Feed Emulator via REST API.
  • BFTS_GENERATOR_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION - specifies the exact version of the Feed Generator published to Docker Hub (you may use latest as well).
  • BFTS_EMULATOR_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION - specifies the exact version of the Feed Emulator published to Docker Hub (you may use latest as well).

You can prepend environment variables to the docker compose command to activate mentioned settings

  docker compose up -d

Or you can put environment variables in a .env in the root of the repository (gitignored) file and run docker compose as usual.

$ cat .env

$ docker compose up -d
  1. Use applications

Build Docker images from sources

To build Docker images from source, you need to clone this repository first.

  1. Clone the repository.
$ git clone
$ cd beter-feed-testing-sandbox
  1. Choose the appropriate version of BFTS.
$ git tag

$ git checkout tags/v1.0.1
  1. Build images.

Specify the tag to associate with Docker image. As you checked out tag v1.0.1 in example above, please, set the version as environment variables for docker compose and run the build:

  docker compose -f docker-compose.local-build.yml build 

After this step, you will see a newly built images

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                             TAG                IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
beter-feed-testing-sandbox-generator   1.0.1              ba35d24edafe   2 minutes ago   365MB
beter-feed-testing-sandbox-emulator    1.0.1              e53abe1e3bae   2 minutes ago   278MB

You can now push the images to your local storage.

  1. Optionally, you can run the built images on your local machine by running
  docker compose -f docker-compose.local-build.yml up -d

Containers should be up and running.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                        COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                                                                                      NAMES
753df3327cfc   beter-feed-testing-sandbox-generator:1.0.1   "dotnet Beter.Feed.T…"   50 seconds ago   Up 35 seconds (healthy)>80/tcp, :::51857->80/tcp                                                    bfts-generator
b80316074b3b   beter-feed-testing-sandbox-emulator:1.0.1    "dotnet Beter.Feed.T…"   50 seconds ago   Up 35 seconds (healthy)>80/tcp, :::51858->80/tcp                                                    bfts-emulator
d4ae36108eaf   provectuslabs/kafka-ui:latest                "/bin/sh -c 'java --…"   50 seconds ago   Up 42 seconds   >8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp                                                  bfts-kafka-ui
db2013a2bf6d   confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.4.1                  "/etc/confluent/dock…"   50 seconds ago   Up 49 seconds (healthy)>9092/tcp, :::32771->9092/tcp,>9101/tcp, :::32770->9101/tcp   bfts-kafka

If you need to change ports or other options, please, check Run pre-built docker images section.

  1. Use applications

Local development

This method is intended for development purposes only. We assume that you will run Kafka and Kafka UI in Docker, but the Feed Generator and Feed Emulator will run on your local machine, not in containers. Therefore, docker-compose.development.yml differs from docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.local-build.yml:

  • Kafka exposes port 9092 on the host machine (these can be redefined, see below);
  • You should run the Feed Generator and Feed Emulator locally and configure them to use localhost:9092 (or redefined port).


  1. Clone the repository.
$ git clone
$ cd beter-feed-testing-sandbox
  1. Choose the appropriate version of BFTS.
$ git tag

$ git checkout tags/v1.0.1
  1. Run Kafka and Kafka UI
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.development.yml up -d

If ports 8080 or 9092 is busy you may specify the proper port to use by setting environment variables.

$ BFTS_KAFKA_UI_PORT=8011 BFTS_KAFKA_PORT=8014 docker compose -f docker-compose.development.yml up -d

Verify that everything is running as expected.

$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                                            NAMES
6f7d6a5ab4b9   provectuslabs/kafka-ui:latest            "/bin/sh -c 'java --…"   28 seconds ago   Up 23 seconds   >8080/tcp                           bfts-kafka-ui
a73c517e79f1   confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.4.1              "/etc/confluent/dock…"   28 seconds ago   Up 28 seconds (healthy)>9092/tcp                           bfts-kafka
  1. Build and run the projects locally.

If the ports haven't changed, run the projects as usual.

$ dotnet build src/Hosts/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Emulator/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Emulator.csproj
$ dotnet build src/Hosts/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Generator/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Generator.csproj

$ dotnet src/Hosts/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Emulator/bin/Debug/net7.0/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Emulator.dll
# and in second terminal window
$ dotnet src/Hosts/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Generator/bin/Debug/net7.0/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Generator.dll

If the Kafka port was changed, you need to specify the new port value before running the applications.

For Feed Emulator:

  • change the value of Messaging.ConsumerConfig.BootstrapServers (Kafka broker host and port) in src/Hosts/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Emulator/configs/appsettings.json and rebuild the project;
  • alternatively, set the environment variable Messaging__ConsumerConfig__BootstrapServers.
  • specify the port of the Feed Emulator by setting the environment variable ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://+:51858" to open port 51858.


# if Kafka's port is exposed to port 8014 on host machine...
$ ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://+:51858" \
  Messaging__ConsumerConfig__BootstrapServers="localhost:8014" \

For Feed Generator:

  • change the values of Publisher.BootstrapServers (Kafka broker host and port) in src/Hosts/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Generator/configs/appsettings.json and rebuild the project;
  • alternatively, set the environment variable Publisher__BootstrapServers.
  • specify the port of the Feed Generator by setting the environment variable ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://+:51857" to open port 51857.


# if Kafka's port is exposed to port 8014 on host machine...
# ... and Feed Emulator oponed port 51858 for incoming connections...
$ ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://+:51857" \
  Publisher__BootstrapServers="localhost:8014" \
  dotnet bin/Debug/net7.0/Beter.Feed.TestingSandbox.Generator.dll
  1. Use applications