Releases: BCA-Team/Buildcraft-Additions
Buildcraft Addtitions 2.1.0
v2.1.0 Buildcraft Additions 2.1.0
Buildcraft Additions 2.0.1
fix id remapping bug
fix advanced KEB gate triggers
try to fix recipe bug with crafting mananger
moved some things to the api
fix refinery upgrades crash
sort-o-tron can now read BC lists for sorting
Buildcraft Additions 2.0
v2.0 BCA 2.0 release
Buildcraft Additions 1.8.4
update to BC 6.3.0, no other changes as all efforts are currently focused on BCA 2.0 (and i didn't get any bug reports)
Buildcraft Additions 1.8.3
update to BC 6.2.6
update RF api
fix tileEntities not being registered if BC wasn't installed
fix double steel dust
fluid canisters storage has been increased
fix mod ores not getting processed
fix heated furnace researche localization
Buildcraft Additions 1.8.2
Gas mask required, contains lots of bug spray!
update to BC 6.2.2
update to eureka 2.2
fix dusters crashing when input has no result
fix some packet spams
written the code for 3rd tier duster, will be available in survival in next release
added framez integration
fix fluidic compressor triger crash
Buildcraft Additions 1.7.2
update to BC 6.1.5
update to eureka 2.1
fix packet spam
Buildcraft Additions 1.7
Buildcraft is no longer needed to run Buildcraft Additions, but at the moment nothing is craftable without Buildcraft installed until i have alternative recepies
Now compatible with Buildcraft 6.1.4
All machines now accept RF
Powerplant generation fixed
Fixed dupe bug with dusters
Tweaks kinetic coil and lava coil speeds
Buildcraft Additions 1.6.5
moved to eureka 2.0
added lava coil and kinetic coil
added research for heated furnace and coils
added some common dusting recipes
added NEI support for the dusters
slimeballs from other mods can now be used to make the dusters
Version 1.6.3
Updated eureka
crash fixes
added support for railcraft poor ore
added support for TiC ores