Let Me Help You
According to a study carried out by the OMS, 93% of the countries in the world has been disturbances in essential mental health services, even paralyzing them. This study covers 130 countries of which 70% have adopted telemedicine and teletherapy as a solution to the problem.
In order to help people to have a first approach with a professional about mental health, a platform will be created where they can have access to a catalog of specialists, this through a chat or video call.
Online psychology platform. For patients seeking psychological care and therapy. For psychologists, a management tool for your consulting.
- A organization require a web site in which a user can take meetings with psychologists remotly.
The web Application must fulfill the following functions:
All users need to have a profile:
- Full name: the user's full name.
- User name: a short name to identify the user.
- Password: an alphanumeric field for user password.
- Age: user's date of birth.
- Gender: Male, Female, No-Binary, Other.
All psychologists need to have a profile:
- Full name: the psychologist's full name.
- User name: a short name to identify the psychologist.
- Password: an alphanumeric field for psychologist password.
- Age: psychologist's date of birth.
- Gender: Male, Female, No-Binary, Other.
- Description: a short text describing how the psychologist works
- Professional register: Verification document (Support record as a professional).
- Specialty: Branch of psychology in wich the psychologist specializes.
Navegation Bar (when the user is not logged in):
- Logo
- Login/Register button.
- Psychologist.
- Prices.
- FAQ.
Navegation Bar (when the user is logged in):
- Logo
- Litle welcome message
- My profile.
- Psychologist.
- Prices.
- FAQ.
- Logout.
Principal Section:
- Small description.
- Button with a direct access to the psychologist list.
Footer with social media and contanct information.
Psychologist list:
- A list of all availible psychologists.
- With a short description (Full name and Specialty).
- Schedule appointment button.
Psychologist profile page:
- Name.
- Short Description.
- Attention Area (Specialty).
- Professional register.
- Schedule appointment button.
User Profile:
- All user's personal information
- The user can edit their personal information
FAQ Page
- Description of how the online meetings works
- A list of Frequent questions and their respective Answers to help the user understand how Let Me Help You works
Prices page
- Section with a price of subscription per month
- Payment method
Chat (when the user is logged in)
- A floating button
- Contains all active chats with psychologists
- Reponsive web site
- Based on Rubocop
- Unit Tests
- Rubycritic score: at least 90 in the App folder and at least 65 in the tests folder
- Use SandiMeter to analyze the code and use the result to make improvements
- Works in all major browsers: Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox
- Configuration of a web server (heroku or similar) for the automatic deployment of app updates
- CSS: freedom to use any framework or library, preferably SASS
- For example you can use Bootsrap together with bootstrap_form for your forms
- CSS: freedom to use any framework or library, preferably SASS
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