The Diving Rules Application is an app to train on the Fina Diving Rules. It is targeted for the diving judges and referees to learn the rule of the discipline and train on this knowledge. This document is the iOS App Readme.
The iOS version of the app is using SwiftUI coding. The App is for the moment compatible with iOS version 14 but will be updated to be compatible with older versions The app uses the SF Symbol Lybrary for all this icons within the app.
The app has been localized in multiple languages. It is for the moment compatible with:
- EN (Default & Fallback)
- FR
- ES
- IT The PO Editor tool is used to generate the various localizations Languages
The Project repository is hosted on GitHub:
- Diving Rules holding the stable releases
- The work on this repo is performed in the dev Branch
- New Baranches are created to create new features
The Diving Rules App is organized into the following tabs:
Open The Full Blueprint
- Rules: A view of the pdf file of the rules
- Penalties: a list of all the penalties summary that allow to view
- the penalty description
- the penalty sanction (there can be only one)
- an aword of 0 points
- a maximum of 2 points
- a maximum of 4 1/2 point
- a deduction of 2 points to the judges grades by the referee
- a deduction of 1/2 to 2 points by the judge
- depending on the judges opinion
- the penalty ownership (Referee and/or Judge)
- Quizz: where you can select the number of questions in your quizz and launch the quizz - for each question will show the same interface as the penalty list but will allow the user to:
- select from one of the penalty sanctions (they are mutualy exclusive)
- select within the penalty ownership (the selection can be Referee / Judge / or both)
- When the user has at least selected a saction and one owner then s/he can go to the next questions
- About: a description of the app and a disclamer of the fact that the app is not a fina app
The code is structured around
- divingPenaltiesSummary.json: a json to declare the penalties sanctions and ownerships
- divingPenaltiesSanctions.json: a json to list the sanctions descriptions (to check if still needed)
- The localization files holding:
- the app texts localization
- the penalties description (the data presented in the app for a penalty is using the localization data and not the json description - it is used in the description as a reference for the json creation and updates)
- Penalty (refering v1.1): The information about one penalty
// penalty id number
var id: Int
// List of the rules associated with this penalty
var rules: [Rule]
// Rule is a table of strings to list the corresponding penalty reference
// The sanction associated with this penalty
var sanctionValue: Int
// Is the referee concerned by this penalty
var referee: Bool
// Is the judge concerned by this penalty
var judge: Bool
- Penalties (refering v1.1): The information about all the penalties
var penalties: [Penalty]
- Quizz (refering v1.1): The information about the quizz
// the list of the id's for the quizz
var questions: [Int]
// the list of answers provided to the questionnaire using the Penalty Model
var answers: [Penalty]
// score rewards
var score: Int
- ButtonsStatus (refering v1.1): The information about the status of the button selections from the user in a question page
// penalty buttons status
var penaltyZeroPts: Bool
var penaltyMaxTwoPts: Bool
var penaltyMaxFourHalfPts: Bool
var penaltyMinusTwoPts: Bool
var penaltyMinusHalfToTwoPts: Bool
var penaltyJudgeOpinion: Bool
// ownership buttons status
var ownershipReferee: Bool
var ownershipJudge: Bool
// Other data needed
// Sanction set by the user
var userSanctionSelection: Int
// has the user answered enough elemets to go to the next question
var nextQuestion: Bool
- currentQuizz (ref v1.1): The object with the current Quizz Data Logged in
var currentQuizz: Quizz
- quizzHistory (ref v1.1): The object containing the table of quizz history of the user
var quizzHistory: [Quizz]
The first version of the app has been releeased as an MVP. There are multiple updates planned. The objective is to get the first user feedback.
I would like to grow a comunity around this project to get new contributors to help on this open source project weather it is to update the iOS version or to create and update the android version. It is possible to add new localization if we get a local language support.
New feature will be added
These are the high level fetures to work on next:
- update the code to alow further OS compatibilities
- Add the ability to change the language at anytime within the app (user should always be able to switch from local language to EN)
- update the pdf to read an online version of the file and enclose the english as a fallback
- allow the user to view the history of his previous tests
- Add new Quizz not just based on the penalties list (Add multiple choice questions and true/false questions)
- Add a search functionality to search through the pdf and through the penalties
The full list can be found on the Github iOS Kanban
This App was created by Benoit SUZANNE
You are more then welcome to contribute to this project weather you're:
- a mobile developer iOS or Android
- a localization contributer who can help to add new languages
- a judge wanting to add new questions to to quizzes as they need to include more than just the penalty summaries
This code was created under the GNU 3.0 Open Source License.