- route
- Nav Bar with Logo, Our Story, Create a Story button, Logout Button, Profile Button (Picture)
- Note: Buttons must be redirected to the proper routes
- Display stories ordered by most claps
- Footer with GitHub Logo and Copyright
- Render
- Styling the Page, refer to MockUp
- route of
- Nav Bar
- Main Body
- Footer
- Render
- Styling the Page, refer to MockUp
- route of
- Nav Bar
- Main Body - stories
- Footer
- Render
- Styling the Page, refer to MockUp
- route of
- Nav Bar
- User Details and all Stories they wrote
- Footer
- Render
- Styling the Page, refer to MockUp
- route of
- FORMS, Title, Content, Image
- redirect to
- Render
- Styling the Page, refer to MockUp
- route of
- Title, Image, Author (Full Name), Content
- Comment Box will be below the story
- Displaying
all comments and claps
associated in the story
- Redirect to
(after a story is deleted) - render
- Styling the Page, refer to MockUp
- route of
- Displays the Title, Content, ImageSrc with its prepopulated values
- redirect to
- Render
- Styling the Page, refer to MockUp
- route of
- Nav Bar, Footer
- Create a new user in the DB (Forms)
- Display any validation errors
- Redirect
- Render
- Styling the Page, refer to MockUp
- route of
- Nav Bar, Footer
- Display Forms for login, and validation errors
- Redirect to
- Render
- Styling the Page, refer to MockUp