The build.cmd script in the repository builds the solution code and also deploys the required IoT services to your Azure subscription. Cloud deployment creates the following:
- 1 x IotHub - S2
- 2 x Storage - Standard GRS
- 1 x Servicebus namespace - basic
- 1 x Eventhub
- 1 x Stream Analytics jobs - standard
- 2 x App Service Plan - standard
- 1 x Azure Machine Learning Workspace
Use your Git client to pull the latest version of the solution from this repository.
Open a Developer Command Prompt for VS2013 as an Administrator.
Navigate to the repository root directory.
build.cmd cloud [debug | release] <deploymentname>
for an Azure cloud deployment.For a national cloud deployment, run the same as above but include CloudName at the end (eg.
build.cmd cloud debug AzureGermanyCloud
orbuild.cmd cloud release mydeployment AzureGermanyCloud
This command will:
- save account name, subscription, and deployment location into the .config.user file
- create an Active Directory application in your directory and assign you as role administrator
- provision and connect the Azure resources for the e2e solution.
- build and upload the current repo code as a zip package to the storage account
- deploy 1 instance of web app and 1 instances of web job