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Releases: AztecProtocol/aztec-v1
Releases · AztecProtocol/aztec-v1
@aztec/sdk 1.3.0 (2020-01-31)
Bug Fixes
- sdk: add notes to NoteService after saved to indexedDB successfully (f76f82a)
- sdk: change ZkToken and ZkAsset to start with lowercase z (517762d)
- sdk: mul scaling factor to deposit value (368543f)
- protocol: fix front running spending public key (24f4548)
- sdk: fix (701bc0f)
- sdk: fix register sdk (c284c4e)
- sdk: manually fix (bde9d52)
- @aztec/bn128: upgraded to 1.3.1
- @aztec/contract-addresses: upgraded to 1.14.0
- @aztec/contract-artifacts: upgraded to 1.18.0
- @aztec/dev-utils: upgraded to 2.3.1
- @aztec/note-access: upgraded to 1.1.3
- @aztec/protocol: upgraded to 1.4.0
- aztec.js: upgraded to 0.16.21
@aztec/sdk 1.2.0 (2020-01-31)
Bug Fixes
- sdk: adjust ui flows when sending tx via metamask (75635dc)
- sdk: avoid unnecessary scrolling (7ea1f28)
- sdk: fix profile icon styles (82424f3)
- sdk: fix wrong signature key (8552d53)
- sdk: open grant access view right after register (40aa5cb)
- sdk: refet to entire custom addresses to get manager address (21db016)
- sdk: register ACE instead of IAZTEC for subscribing events (4bd7e5b)
- sdk: remove splitChunks from to bundle files properly (781f1d5)
- sdk: show error if user denies tx when linking account (d3efa2a)
- sdk: upgrade web3 and web3-utils (3302fc6)
- sdk: use https for production resources (edf57c3)
- sdk: use test network config to deploy contracts in protocol (2d1f45f)
- sdk: add loading effect when awaiting signature (b27f19f)
- sdk: add more static methods for ZkNote (90c1ddb)
- sdk: add version control to resource urls (9c4f1bc)
- sdk: adjust user icon and color schemes (5130635)
- sdk: allow to define custom manager contract address (fc34592)
- sdk: create a simple component to replace highlight.js (f80dc99)
- sdk: force remove lint cmd (3bd7ce6)
- sdk: re-add build + test commands (185c27e)
- sdk: reduce loading time of ui popup (d4d326d)
- sdk: remove and re-add @aztec/contract-addresses (226f48c)
- sdk: show loader when awaiting user approve allowance (834471f)
- sdk: upgrade guacamole-ui (61db39a)
- sdk: use cp command to copy and overwrite contracts (509ffa4)
- sdk: use published artifacts and addresses in production (f91c5af)
- @aztec/contract-artifacts: upgraded to 1.17.0
- @aztec/contract-addresses: upgraded to 1.13.0
- @aztec/note-access: upgraded to 1.1.2
- @aztec/protocol: upgraded to 1.3.0
- aztec.js: upgraded to 0.16.20
@aztec/protocol 1.4.0 (2020-01-31)
Bug Fixes
- protocol: add AZTECaddress into sig validation (8300cbe)
- protocol: make LibEIP712.sol only accept one byteLength (e67a245)
- protocol: fix front running spending public key (24f4548)
- @aztec/bn128: upgraded to 1.3.1
- @aztec/dev-utils: upgraded to 2.3.1
- aztec.js: upgraded to 0.16.21
@aztec/protocol 1.3.0 (2020-01-31)
Bug Fixes
- protocol: add truffle config for test network (31939fe)
- protocol: fund AccountRegistryManager contract (9b4e617)
- protocol: remove .only (6170694)
- protocol: remove additional call to GSNRecipient.initialize (7aaffc7)
- protocol: remove additional un-necessary imports (bf397d5)
- protocol: return promise so the next migration can get the address (391046e)
- protocol: use local gsn signer address in test network (a6d9eb0)
- monorepo-scripts: add artifact mainnet deploy command (e10990b)
- protocol: simplify imports (09cb0e3)
- aztec.js: upgraded to 0.16.20