git clone
cd Hummus
make all
echo "export PATH=\"$(pwd)/bin:\$PATH"\" >> ~/.bashrc
hummus init helloworld
cd helloworld
hummus run
docker build -t azer0s/hummus:latest .
docker run --rm -it azer0s/hummus:latest
Or get the edge image:
docker run --rm -it azer0s/hummus:edge
(def a "Hello world")
(def square (fn x
(* x x)))
((fn x (* x x)) 4)
(out (square 4))
(use :<base>)
(def Animal (struct
(def tom (Animal
(out (:name tom) " is a " (` (:race tom))) ; prints Tom is a cat
(use :<base>)
(use :<pipe/parallel>)
(def square (fn x
(* x x)))
(pipe/parallel-do 4 out square)
(use :<base>)
(def prices ({}
(:tea :1.5$)
(:coffee :2$)
(:cake :3$)
(out "Cake costs " (` (:cake prices)))
(out "Tea costs " (` ([] :tea prices)))
(def dotimes (macro times |action|
; || tells Hummus to not evaluate this argument but to
; literally take the AstNode as it's input parameter
(map (.. 1 times) (fn _ (identity action)))
(dotimes 3 (out "Hello world"))
; Same as writing
; (out "Hello world")
; (out "Hello world")
; (out "Hello world")
(def when (macro |cond| |action|
(' :if cond action)
(when (> 4 3) (out "A"))
; same as writing
; (if (> 4 3)
; (out "A"))
(use :<base>)
(use :<sync>)
(def ping (fn
(for true
(def msg (receive))
(def type (nth 0 msg))
(def sender (nth 1 msg))
(if (= type :pong)
(out "PONG")
(sync/sleep 1 :s)
(send sender (list :ping self))
(out "Invalid message!")
(def pong (fn
(for true
(def msg (receive))
(def type (nth 0 msg))
(def sender (nth 1 msg))
(if (= type :ping)
(out "PING")
(sync/sleep 1 :s)
(send sender (list :pong self))
(out "Invalid message!")
(def pingPid (spawn ping))
(def pongPid (spawn pong))
(send pongPid (list :ping pingPid))
(use :<base>)
(use :<str>)
(def pilots (list
(:id 2)
(:name "Wedge Antilles")
(:faction "Rebels")
(:id 8)
(:name "Ciena Ree")
(:faction "Empire")
(:id 40)
(:name "Iden Versio")
(:faction "Empire")
(:id 66)
(:name "Thane Kyrell")
(:faction "Rebels")
(map pilots (fn x
(str/concat (` (:name x)) " => " (` (:faction x)))
(fn x
(out x)
(filter pilots (fn x
(= (:faction x) "Empire")
(fn x
(out (:name x))
(out (reduce pilots (fn x acc
(if (= (:faction x) "Empire")
(+ acc 1)
) 0))
(use :<base>)
(use :<pipe>)
(use :<str>)
(def add (fn a b
(+ a b)
(def square(fn x
(* x x)
(def add-square-out (|> add square out))
(add-square-out 3 1) ; prints 16
(pipe/do pilots
(map.. (fn x
(str/concat (` (:name x)) " => " (` (:faction x)))
(each.. (fn x
(out x)
(pipe/do pilots
(filter.. (fn x
(= (:faction x) "Empire")
(map.. (fn x
(:name x)
(each.. (fn x
(out x)
(pipe/do pilots
(reduce.. (fn x acc
(if (= (:faction x) "Empire")
(+ acc 1)
) 0)
(use :<base>)
(use :<net/http>)
(http/handle "/" (fn req
(str/concat "<h1> Hello " (:method req) "</h1>")
(http/handle "/test" (fn req
"<h1> Test </h1>"
(http/serve ":8080")
(use :<base>)
(use :<str>)
(def fib (fn n
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))
(for (range x (list "Hello" "World"))
(out x)
(for (range x (to 10))
(out x)
(for true
(out "Hello world")
(str/concat "String functions go b" (str/repeat "r" 10))
(use :<internals>)
(hummus/info-group log)
- peterh/liner - used for REPL
- sirupsen/logrus - used in the log stdlib