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AzazelN28 edited this page May 29, 2020 · 3 revisions


The Death Star Plans - operation skyhook

Level filename: SECBASE.LEV

Find and retrieve Death Star Plans
Return to your ship on the roof of the base

Talay: Tak Base, after the massacre

Level filename: TALAY.LEV

Find and restart the hydro-electric power generator
Find some evidence of the Dark Trooper (Find DT_WEAPON)
Make your way back to the landing area

Anoat City - The subterranean hideout

Level filename: SEWERS.LEV

Explore the sewers underneath the city of Anoat and find Moff Rebus, the weapons engineer working for the Empire

The Planet Fest - Imperial Weapons Research Facility

Level filename: TESTBASE.LEV

Find a way into the research facility and obtain a sample of the metal used for the Dark Troopers (Phrik Metal)
Return to the landing area

Gromas Mines - The Blood Moon

Level filename: GROMAS.LEV

NOTE: First encounter with the Dark Trooper Phase 1

Infiltrate the mines and set a sequencer charge on the reactor
Get back to the ship

Imperial Detention Center, Orinackra: Crix Madine's Fate

Level filename: DTENTION.LEV

Find Crix Madine in the high security area of the Detention Center

Ramsees Hed Docking Port, Cal-Seti - Deadly Cargo

Level filename: RAMSEES.LEV

Find the smuggler's ship and place a tracking device on the rear of it

Robotics Construction Facility, Anteevy - Ice Station Beta

Level filename: ROBOTICS.LEV

Infiltrate the Robotics Facility
Place three sequencer charges to blow up the facility
Return to the landing area

Nar Shaddaa, the Vertical City: The Death Mark

Level filename: NARSHADA.LEV

Find Imperial Navigational Evidence

Jabba the Hutt's ship: Jabba's Revenge

Level filename: JABSHIP.LEV

NOTE: Removes equipment

Find your gear
Locate the Nava Card
Rescue Jan

Imperial City, Coruscant - The Imperial Mask

Level filename: IMPCITY.LEV

NOTE: Encounter with Boba Fett.

Locate the I.S.O building
Crack into the vault & use the Nava Card
Head back to the landing area

Imperial Fuel Station, Ergo - Smuggler's Hijack

Level filename: FUELSTAT.LEV

Find a way into the smuggler's ship
Hijack the ship

The Executor - The Stowaway

Level filename: EXECUTOR.LEV

Reach the cargo shuttle bay
Activate the shuttle system

The Arc Hammer - The Dark Awakening

Level filename: ARC.LEV

NOTE: First and only encounter with Dark Trooper Phase 3

Set the three sequencer charges
Get to the shuttle bay and scape