This repo contains terraform script for a 3-tier application infrastructure.
Project Deliverables
- Create a VPC with the help of Terraform having following attributes;
- 3 Public and 3 Private Subnets.
- NAT GW for Private Subnets.
- IGW for Public Subnets.
- 1 Route Table for Private Subnets.
- 1 Route Table for Public Subnets.
- Launch 3 EC2 instances with any OS of your choosing and install Nginx, Docker, NodeJS 20 via ec2 user data.
- Launch 1 RDS in Create Private Subnet. ( MySQL or PSQL )
- Security Groups for each EC2 and RDS.
- Create a Load Balancer to be attached on EC2 instances that are in Private Subnets for accessing the Frontend and Backend Application.
- Do it with the help of Terraform also create security group for load balancer with port 80 and 443 only.
- Log in to AWS account
- Create an IAM user and generate access id and secret key.
- Download Terraform from
- Add the folder containing terraform.exe path to the user variable path
- Open CMD and navigate to the folder containing the terraform.exe
aws configure
This command will ask you to add AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Default region name , Default output format.
- Clone this repo and navigate to the directory containing this repo folder and execute following terraform commands in CMD.
terraform --version
terraform init
This command will initialize terraform agent
terraform plan
This command will display the resources that will be created along with its configuration.
terraform apply
This command will create the resources defined in each .tf script.
- Checking ec2 VMs. Navigate to the folder containing .pem file