Release for v3.14.0
Some plugin had been replaced in this release. But their functionality is still
keep the same. Like the command :SudaWrite is just replaced by :SudoWrite.
Breaking Changes
- plugin: replace neoterm with dispather
- plugin: replace suda.vim with vim-eunuch
- plugin: remove rust-lang/rust.vim plugin
- plugin: add neogen to help generating annotation
- option: add rust fmt option
- plugin: add splitjoin.vim
- lspsaga: move lspsaga settings under lua/config
- lspsaga: replace icon to nerd font icon
- lsp: rewrite the lspconfig code
- keymap: fix lsp keymap conflict
- plugin: add more filetype for treesitter
- option: increase nvui font size
- option: set fallbackfont for nvui
- option: enable settings only when neovide open