- チップチューンサウンド?を作成する
- waveファイルにサウンドを書き込む
.NET 6
namespace YourNamespace;
public static class YourClass
private static void Main()
// サウンドの形式を作成する。
var builder = FormatBuilder.Create()
var soundFormat = builder.ToSoundFormat();
StereoWave wave = MakeStereoWave(soundFormat);
// ファイルに書き込む。
var sound = new SoundWaveChunk(wave.GetBytes(soundFormat.BitRate));
var waveFileFormat = builder.ToFormatChunk();
var writer = new WaveWriter(waveFileFormat, sound);
string filePath = "sample.wav";
private static StereoWave MakeStereoWave(SoundFormat format)
// 一分間の四分音符の個数
int tempo = 100;
// まず、音のチャンネルを作成する必要がある。
// 現段階では矩形波、三角波、疑似三角波、ロービットノイズに対応している。
var rightChannel = new SquareSoundChannel(tempo, format, SquareWaveRatio.Point25, PanType.Right)
// ISoundComponentを実装したクラスのオブジェクトをチャンネルに追加していく。
// 現段階では普通の音符、休符、タイ、連符を使うことができる。
new Note(Scale.C, 5, LengthType.Eighth, isDotted: true),
new Tie(new Note(Scale.D, 5, LengthType.Eighth), LengthType.Eighth),
new Tuplet(GetComponents(), LengthType.Quarter)
var rightChannel2 = new SquareSoundChannel(tempo, format, SquareWaveRatio.Point125, PanType.Right)
new Note(Scale.C, 4, LengthType.Eighth, isDotted: true),
new Note(Scale.D, 4, LengthType.Quarter),
new Rest(LengthType.Quarter)
var leftChannel = new TriangleSoundChannel(tempo, format, PanType.Left)
new Note(Scale.C, 3, LengthType.Eighth, isDotted: true),
new Note(Scale.D, 3, LengthType.Quarter),
new Rest(LengthType.Quarter)
var channels = new List<ISoundChannel>() { rightChannel, rightChannel2, leftChannel };
// ミックスは'StereoMixer'クラスで行う。
return new StereoMixer(channels).Mix();
private static IReadOnlyList<BasicSoundComponentBase> GetComponents()
return new List<BasicSoundComponentBase>()
new Note(Scale.E, 5, LengthType.Eighth),
new Note(Scale.F, 5, LengthType.Eighth),
new Note(Scale.G, 5, LengthType.Eighth),
- 48000Hz
- 44100Hz
- 16bit
- 8bit
- Stereo 2ch
- Monaural 1ch
MIT License
You can do The following content with this library.
- make the sound of chiptune
- export sound to a file of wave format.
.NET 6
namespace YourNamespace;
public static class YourClass
private static void Main()
// Create a sound format.
var builder = FormatBuilder.Create()
var soundFormat = builder.ToSoundFormat();
StereoWave wave = MakeStereoWave(soundFormat);
// Write to a file.
var sound = new SoundWaveChunk(wave.GetBytes(soundFormat.BitRate));
var waveFileFormat = builder.ToFormatChunk();
var writer = new WaveWriter(waveFileFormat, sound);
string filePath = "sample.wav";
private static StereoWave MakeStereoWave(SoundFormat format)
// The number of quarter notes per minute
int tempo = 100;
// First, you need to create sound channels.
// Currently, it supports square wave, triangle wave, pseudo-triangle wave, and low-bit noise.
var rightChannel = new SquareSoundChannel(tempo, format, SquareWaveRatio.Point25, PanType.Right)
// Add objects of classes that implement ISoundComponent to the channel.
// Currently, you can use normal notes, rests, ties, and tuplets.
new Note(Scale.C, 5, LengthType.Eighth, isDotted: true),
new Tie(new Note(Scale.D, 5, LengthType.Eighth), LengthType.Eighth),
new Tuplet(GetComponents(), LengthType.Quarter)
var rightChannel2 = new SquareSoundChannel(tempo, format, SquareWaveRatio.Point125, PanType.Right)
new Note(Scale.C, 4, LengthType.Eighth, isDotted: true),
new Note(Scale.D, 4, LengthType.Quarter),
new Rest(LengthType.Quarter)
var leftChannel = new TriangleSoundChannel(tempo, format, PanType.Left)
new Note(Scale.C, 3, LengthType.Eighth, isDotted: true),
new Note(Scale.D, 3, LengthType.Quarter),
new Rest(LengthType.Quarter)
var channels = new List<ISoundChannel>() { rightChannel, rightChannel2, leftChannel };
// Mixing is done by the 'StereoMixer' class.
return new StereoMixer(channels).Mix();
private static IReadOnlyList<BasicSoundComponentBase> GetComponents()
return new List<BasicSoundComponentBase>()
new Note(Scale.E, 5, LengthType.Eighth),
new Note(Scale.F, 5, LengthType.Eighth),
new Note(Scale.G, 5, LengthType.Eighth),
Sampling frequency
- 48000Hz
- 44100Hz
Quantization bit rate
- 16bit
- 8bit
Number of Channels
- Stereo 2ch
- Monaural 1ch
SoundMaker is licensed under the MIT License.