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The loggers are PSR-3 compliant and use Monolog.

By default the code logs to dev/null (as in – it logs nothing). If you want logging, you can enable it with a filter. There are currently 3 different loggers: A file logger, a CLI logger, and a plain file logger useful for log files with no formatting. You can enable them like this respectively:

add_filter( 'newspack_migration_tools_enable_file_log', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'newspack_migration_tools_enable_cli_log', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'newspack_migration_tools_enable_plain_log', '__return_true' );

Note that the loggers check that filter only on logger creation. There is no support for toggling logging on/of after you have already created the logger. There is a logger that you can use to log to multiple loggers at once. See MulitLog.php. The LoggerManager.php keeps tabs of all loggers in use and you can get a logger from it by name if you want to use the same logger to log to from mulitple classes/functions in your code.

The loggers that write to file all write to current dir. If you don't like that, you can either pass in an absolute path to a directory to use as the log dir, set the constant NMT_LOG_DIR to a dir, or implement your the filter newspack_migration_tools_log_dir.

The log level is configured to INFO by default. To change it, you can set the constant NMT_LOG_LEVEL (see the constructor in NMT.php).

You can customize the date format and the line output format of the CliLogger with either filters or constants (note that the constants will override the filters). The default format is Lineformatter.php's SIMPLE_FORMAT.

// Use PHP's date format.
define( 'NMT_CLI_LOG_DATE_FORMAT', 'H:i:s' );
define( 'NMT_CLI_LOG_FORMAT', "[%datetime%] %level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%\n" ); 

If you want to add loggers or formatters to the logging in this project, please make a pull request! 🙏

Example usage

Basic CLI logging

$cli_logger = CliLog::get_logger( 'log-demo' );
// These are the different log levels.
$cli_logger->debug( 'This is a log message.' );
$cli_logger->info( 'This is a log message.' );
$cli_logger->notice( 'This is a log message.' );
$cli_logger->warning( 'This is a log message.' );
$cli_logger->error( 'This is a log message.' );
$cli_logger->critical( 'This is a log message.' );
$cli_logger->alert( 'This is a log message.' );
$cli_logger->emergency( 'This is a log message.' );

Customizing CLI output

A timestamp is output by default with CliLog. But it can be easily customized when instantiating the logger by changing the format string; the default format is "[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%\n". For example, a super simple format using just level and message:

use Bramus\Monolog\Formatter\ColoredLineFormatter;
$logger_cli_simple = CliLog::get_logger( 'cli-simple', new ColoredLineFormatter( null, "%level_name%: %message%\n", null, true ) );
$logger_cli_simple->info( 'info' );

The third argument is the timestamp, null in this case. The default would be "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP".

Plain file logging

For completely non-formatted file logging, use PlainFileLog:

$logger_plainfile = PlainFileLog::get_logger( 'plainfile-demo', 'my_PlainFileLog.log' );
// All logging levels are completely non formatted, i.e. info, debug, ... will all be plain and the same.
$logger_plainfile->info( 'info' );

Logging to multiple channels

$logger = MultiLog::get_logger(
    'logz', [
        CliLog::get_logger( 'log-demo' ),
        FileLog::get_logger( 'log-demo', 'log-file-name.log' ),
        PlainFileLog::get_logger( 'log-demo' ),
// This should go to all 3 channels.
$logger->info( 'This is a log message.' );

Log and exit

// Will halt execution after logging.
NMT::exit_with_message( '🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Dying in flames.', [ FileLog::get_logger( 'log-demo' ) ] );
// You can also exit with just the message not using a logger.