Bridge and Command Offices Updates REATTEMPED #29733
10 warnings and 10 notices
Configure pod, build and run
Recipe 'full dark floor tile' on material 'titanium' creates product with material 'plasteel', but that material is not required by the recipe. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
Recipe 'dark floor tile' on material 'titanium' creates product with material 'plasteel', but that material is not required by the recipe. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
Recipe 'full dark floor tile' on material 'plasteel' creates product with material 'plasteel', but that material is not required by the recipe. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
Recipe 'dark floor tile' on material 'plasteel' creates product with material 'plasteel', but that material is not required by the recipe. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
Recipe 'makeshift magazine (5.56mm)' on material 'holosteel' creates product with material 'steel', but that material is not required by the recipe. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
Recipe 'metal rod' on material 'holosteel' creates product with material 'steel', but that material is not required by the recipe. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
Recipe 'regular floor tile' on material 'holosteel' creates product with material 'steel', but that material is not required by the recipe. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run:
Timer buckets has been reset, this may cause timer to lag in code/controllers/subsystems/ at line 239 src: Sound Loops usr: .
Configure pod, build and run:
Timer buckets has been reset, this may cause timer to lag in code/controllers/subsystems/ at line 239 src: Runechat usr: .
Configure pod, build and run:
Timer buckets has been reset, this may cause timer to lag in code/controllers/subsystems/ at line 239 src: Timer usr: .
Configure pod, build and run:
Testing files for ruin /datum/map_template/ruin/away_site/big_derelict
Configure pod, build and run:
Testing files for ruin /datum/map_template/ruin/away_site/abandoned_propellant_depot
Configure pod, build and run:
Testing files for ruin /datum/map_template/ruin/away_site/cursed
Configure pod, build and run:
Testing files for ruin /datum/map_template/ruin/away_site/abandoned_industrial_station
Configure pod, build and run:
Testing files for ruin /datum/map_template/ruin/away_site/abandoned_diner
Configure pod, build and run
All exoplanet areas have an exoplanet base turf. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
All shuttle areas are not station areas. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
75 unit tests loaded. → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
Initializing Unit Testing → @@@code/unit_tests/
Configure pod, build and run
Unit Tests Enabled. This will destroy the world when testing is complete.