CheckMate Store is an online ecommerce store for chess lovers to buy items related to chess. It contains chess pieces and boards to play chess and books for preparation of various openings and to learn some amazing gambits.
- Auth Management
- Login
- Signup
- Logout
- Cart Management
- Add/Remove item to Cart
- Increase/Decrease quantity of item in Cart
- Move item to Wishlist from Cart
- Apply Coupon to your Cart
- Wishlist Management
- Add/Remove item to Wishlist
- Move item to Cart from Wishlist
- Filter Products By
- Category
- Rating
- In Stock
- Price Range
- Sort Products By Price
- Address Management
- Payment using Razorpay API
- Show Past Orders of the user
- Pagination
- React
- React Router
- Mockbee - for mock backend
- CheckMate UI
- Font Awesome
- React Toastify
- RazorPay
- /public
- /src
- /assets
- /backend
- /components
- /context
- /reducer
- /pages
- /services
- /utils
- App.js
- App.css
- index.css
- index.js
- RequiresAuth.js
- server.js
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- yarn.lock
- Fork the Project
- Run npm install in the terminal
- Run npm start to start the server on your local
- Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature name)
- Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add a descriptive commit message')
- Push to the Branch (git push origin feature)
- Open a Pull Request