Learn and use JDBC APIs with simple but the best examples. The step by step learning with coolest examples and proper supporting documentation.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Java, we are using Java 1.8 (download and install Java)
- Any IDE of you choice like Eclipse (download and install/unzip Eclipse)
- Any relational database, here for simplicity we are using H2 (download and install/unzip H2)
- JDBC Driver, in our case we are using H2 and H2 JDBC driver can be found in h2\bin as Executable Jar File
If you wanna speed up all the process and want up-to-date with all changes. Follow the below steps
- Join GitHub, watch and star the LearnJDBC project
- Download and install Git
- Download and install TortoiseGit
After installing all mentioned softwares, you can follow the below steps to get HelloWorldJDBC.java program run.
- Copy https://github.com/AtulDwivedi/LearnJDBC.git URL
- Launch the eclipse
- Go to eclipss workspace folder, right click and click Git Clone, paste the copied URL in URL field, click Ok
- Copy project name i.e. LearnJDBC
- Create new LearnJDBC project in Eclipse
- Open Eclipse click File -> New -> Others
- Type Java Project in Wizards text box
- Select Java Project, click Next
- Paste copied project name in Project Name text box
- Select Use default JRE radio button
- Click Next, Click Finish
- Click on newly created project, right click, click Refresh
- Click on LearnJDBC project, right click, click Build Path -> Configure Build Path...
- Click Libraries, click Add External JARs..
- Navigate to H2 installation directory and go inside h2\bin
- Select Executable Jar File, click Open
- Click Ok
- Open HelloWorldJDBC.java file in eclipse
- Right click in file, Run As -> Java Application