- Input
- Store
- Process
- Output
- The first computers were made with woood, levers, and gears
- Output from one computer maybe input to another and vice versa
- CPU or Computer Processing Unit collects information
- A screen is output which converts binary signals into tiny lights and colors that you see
- Speaker
- Screen
- Car motor
- Robotic arm
- Keyboard
- Microphone
- Camera
- Heartbeat
- Touch screen
Input is processed through memory then changes it with an algorithm (a series of commands) and sends info out output text, photos, vids, games, vr, robot
- Computers utilize ones and zeroes
- Wires and circuits are used in a computer to pass around the binary to different parts
- One wire(bits) can be:
- on or off
- yes or no
- true or false
- 1 or 0
- More wires = more bits
- Binary can count up to any number
- The more wires, the more numbers you can store
- Text, images, sounds can all be represented with numbers
- Binary can represent letters from the alphabet as on or off signals
- Pixels have colors and repped by numbers
- Photos
- Videos
- Graphics
- Sound series of vibrations are represented graphically from waveform and are represented by a number
- A simple circuit takes electric signal and flips it
- The signal that goes in is not the same as the signal that comes out, and so we call this circuit "not"
- Complicated circuits take multiple signals and combine them to give different results
- A circuit will only give "1" if the first signal and second signal are both "1"
- Adder circuits take two bits "1" or "2" and adds them together to calculate the sum
- Sum could be:
- 0+0=00
- 0+1=01 (these are in binary)
- 1+1+10 (2)
- Sum could be:
- Put circuits togther side by side to add together much larger numbers
- Input converts physical input to binary info from the outside world and converts it into binary info. There's memory to store this info, there's a central processing unit(CPU) and there are output devics that take the info and convert it into physical output. Input is sent as binary. The CPU calculates how to display the content and requests instruction from memory. The memory tells the CPU how to display with pixels from memory. Finally, the pixelated information is sent in binary to the output.
- Hardware is cicuits, chips, wires, speakers, plugs.
- You cannot see software. code. apps, games, websites, maps
- CPU is the master chip that controls all the other parts of the computer