Javascript Notes script When the browser comes across script, it stops to load the script then checks if it needs to do anyhting. script needs to be placed precisely where it needs to be! Variables var quantity; "var" is the variable keyword "quantity" is the variable name Cannot start with a number or contain - or . Calling the Method of an Object document.write('Wassa Dude!'); "document" is the object and represents the entire webpage. "." is the member operator and accesses the memmbers of an object using a dot between the object name and member you want to access. ".write('Wassa Dude!')" is the method and allows new to content to be written into the page where script element sits. "'Wassa Dude!'" is the parameter and is a piece of information the method requires in order to work. Data Types Numeric data types handles numbers String data type consists of letters and other characters Boolean data type Can have one of two values, true or false