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LibWeb/Layout: Bring text for rendering closer to spec
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This makes a difference to our score on the innerText tests, but the
actual effect is hard to know innerText wants us to make adjustments to
the normal algorithm, which are not yet implemented.
  • Loading branch information
AtkinsSJ committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent cc0fce6 commit 331dafe
Showing 3 changed files with 134 additions and 69 deletions.
180 changes: 122 additions & 58 deletions Libraries/LibWeb/Layout/TextNode.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -305,6 +305,126 @@ static String apply_text_transform(String const& string, CSS::TextTransform text

static bool is_segment_break(u32 code_point)
// FIXME: What code points are segment breaks?
return code_point == '\n';

static String apply_white_space(String&& input, CSS::WhiteSpace white_space)
auto data_view = input.code_points();

// AD-HOC: A fast returns to avoid unnecessarily allocating a StringBuilder.
bool contains_space = false;
for (auto c : data_view) {
if (is_ascii_space(c)) {
contains_space = true;
if (!contains_space)
return move(input);

// For each inline (including anonymous inlines; see CSS 2.1 § Anonymous inline boxes [CSS2])
// within an inline formatting context, white space characters are processed as follows prior to line breaking
// and bidi reordering, ignoring bidi formatting characters (characters with the Bidi_Control property [UAX9])
// as if they were not there:

switch (white_space) {
case CSS::WhiteSpace::Normal:
case CSS::WhiteSpace::Nowrap:
case CSS::WhiteSpace::PreLine: {
// If white-space is set to normal, nowrap, or pre-line, white space characters are considered collapsible
// and are processed by performing the following steps:
StringBuilder builder(input.byte_count());

// TODO: We need to know if each line is first or last, so we gather up all of the lines before processing.
// There's probably a smarter way to do this?
Vector<Utf8View> lines;
input.code_points().for_each_split_view(is_segment_break, SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty, [&](Utf8View line) {

auto collapsible_spaces_and_tabs = Utf8View(" \t"sv);
for (auto i = 0u; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
auto line = lines[i];
bool const is_first = i == 0;
bool const is_last = i == lines.size() - 1;

// 1. Any sequence of collapsible spaces and tabs immediately preceding or following a segment break is removed.
// NOTE: The first line doesn't follow a segment break, and the last line doesn't precede one.
if (!is_first)
line = line.trim(collapsible_spaces_and_tabs, TrimMode::Left);
if (!is_last)
line = line.trim(collapsible_spaces_and_tabs, TrimMode::Right);

// 2. Collapsible segment breaks are transformed for rendering according to the segment break transformation rules.
Optional<char> segment_break_character;
if (!is_last) {
// When white-space is pre, pre-wrap, break-spaces, or pre-line, segment breaks are not collapsible
// and are instead transformed into a preserved line feed (U+000A).
// NOTE: Only pre-line is possible here due to the earlier switch
if (white_space == CSS::WhiteSpace::PreLine) {
segment_break_character = '\n';
// For other values of white-space, segment breaks are collapsible, and are collapsed as follows:
else {
// 1. First, any collapsible segment break immediately following another collapsible segment break is removed.
// NOTE: For us, that means skipping empty lines.
if (line.is_empty())

// 2. Then any remaining segment break is either transformed into a space (U+0020) or removed depending on
// the context before and after the break. The rules for this operation are UA-defined in this level.
// TODO: What should we actually be doing here?
if (!builder.string_view().ends_with(' '))
segment_break_character = ' ';

// 3. Every collapsible tab is converted to a collapsible space (U+0020).
// 4. Any collapsible space immediately following another collapsible space — even one outside the boundary of the
// inline containing that space, provided both spaces are within the same inline formatting context - is collapsed
// to have zero advance width. (It is invisible, but retains its soft wrap opportunity, if any.)
bool just_saw_space = false;
for (auto code_point : line) {
// "Carriage returns (U+000D) are treated identically to spaces (U+0020) in all respects."
// -
if (code_point == '\t' || code_point == ' ' || code_point == '\r') {
if (just_saw_space)
just_saw_space = true;
builder.append(' ');
just_saw_space = false;

// NOTE: Append the segment break from step 2, but only if it wouldn't collapse with the most recent code point.
if (segment_break_character.has_value() && !builder.string_view().ends_with(*segment_break_character))

return builder.to_string_without_validation();

case CSS::WhiteSpace::Pre:
case CSS::WhiteSpace::PreWrap: {
// If white-space is set to pre, pre-wrap, or break-spaces, any sequence of spaces is treated as a sequence
// of non-breaking spaces. However, for pre-wrap, a soft wrap opportunity exists at the end of a sequence of
// spaces and/or tabs, while for break-spaces, a soft wrap opportunity exists after every space and every tab.
// FIXME: break-spaces
// NOTE: Soft wrap opportunities are not relevant here so we just return the input.
return move(input);

void TextNode::invalidate_text_for_rendering()
m_text_for_rendering = {};
@@ -324,72 +444,16 @@ String TextNode::compute_text_for_rendering() const
if (dom_node().is_password_input())
return MUST(String::repeated('*', dom_node().data().code_points().length()));

bool collapse = [](CSS::WhiteSpace white_space) {
switch (white_space) {
case CSS::WhiteSpace::Normal:
case CSS::WhiteSpace::Nowrap:
case CSS::WhiteSpace::PreLine:
return true;
case CSS::WhiteSpace::Pre:
case CSS::WhiteSpace::PreWrap:
return false;

if (dom_node().is_editable() && !dom_node().is_uninteresting_whitespace_node())
collapse = false;

auto const* parent_element = dom_node().parent_element();
auto const maybe_lang = parent_element ? parent_element->lang() : Optional<String> {};
auto const lang = maybe_lang.has_value() ? maybe_lang.value() : Optional<StringView> {};

auto data = apply_text_transform(dom_node().data(), computed_values().text_transform(), lang);

auto data_view = data.bytes_as_string_view();

if (!collapse || data.is_empty())
if (data.is_empty() || (dom_node().is_editable() && !dom_node().is_uninteresting_whitespace_node()))
return data;

// NOTE: A couple fast returns to avoid unnecessarily allocating a StringBuilder.
if (data_view.length() == 1) {
if (is_ascii_space(data_view[0])) {
static String s_single_space_string = " "_string;
return s_single_space_string;
return data;

bool contains_space = false;
for (auto c : data_view) {
if (is_ascii_space(c)) {
contains_space = true;
if (!contains_space)
return data;

StringBuilder builder(data_view.length());
size_t index = 0;

auto skip_over_whitespace = [&index, &data_view] {
while (index < data_view.length() && is_ascii_space(data_view[index]))

while (index < data_view.length()) {
if (is_ascii_space(data_view[index])) {
builder.append(' ');
} else {

return builder.to_string_without_validation();
return apply_white_space(move(data), computed_values().white_space());

Unicode::Segmenter& TextNode::grapheme_segmenter() const
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ Harness status: OK

Found 271 tests

210 Pass
61 Fail
217 Pass
54 Fail
Pass Simplest possible test ("<div>abc")
Fail Leading whitespace removed ("<div> abc")
Fail Trailing whitespace removed ("<div>abc ")
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ Pass \t preserved ("<span style='white-space:pre'>abc\tdef")
Fail Leading whitespace removed ("<div style='white-space:pre-line'> abc")
Fail Trailing whitespace removed ("<div style='white-space:pre-line'>abc ")
Pass Internal whitespace collapsed ("<div style='white-space:pre-line'>abc def")
Fail \n preserved ("<div style='white-space:pre-line'>abc\ndef")
Fail \r converted to newline ("<div style='white-space:pre-line'>abc\rdef")
Pass \n preserved ("<div style='white-space:pre-line'>abc\ndef")
Pass \r converted to newline ("<div style='white-space:pre-line'>abc\rdef")
Pass \t converted to space ("<div style='white-space:pre-line'>abc\tdef")
Fail Whitespace collapses across element boundaries ("<div><span>abc </span> def")
Fail Whitespace collapses across element boundaries ("<div><span>abc </span><span></span> def")
@@ -215,13 +215,13 @@ Fail ("<table><tfoot><tr><td>footer</tfoot><thead><tr><td style='visibility:col
Pass No tab on table-cell itself ("<table><tr><td id=target>abc</td><td>def</td>")
Pass No newline on table-row itself ("<table><tr id=target><td>abc</td><td>def</td></tr><tr id=target><td>ghi</td><td>jkl</td></tr>")
Pass Newline between cells and caption ("<div><table><tr><td>abc<caption>def</caption></table>")
Fail Tab-separated table cells ("<div><div class='table'><span class='cell'>abc</span>\n<span class='cell'>def</span></div>")
Fail Newline-separated table rows ("<div><div class='table'><span class='row'><span class='cell'>abc</span></span>\n<span class='row'><span class='cell'>def</span></span></div>")
Pass Tab-separated table cells ("<div><div class='table'><span class='cell'>abc</span>\n<span class='cell'>def</span></div>")
Pass Newline-separated table rows ("<div><div class='table'><span class='row'><span class='cell'>abc</span></span>\n<span class='row'><span class='cell'>def</span></span></div>")
Pass Newlines around table ("<div>abc<div class='table'><span class='cell'>def</span></div>ghi")
Fail Tab-separated table cells ("<div><div class='itable'><span class='cell'>abc</span>\n<span class='cell'>def</span></div>")
Fail Newline-separated table rows ("<div><div class='itable'><span class='row'><span class='cell'>abc</span></span>\n<span class='row'><span class='cell'>def</span></span></div>")
Pass Tab-separated table cells ("<div><div class='itable'><span class='cell'>abc</span>\n<span class='cell'>def</span></div>")
Pass Newline-separated table rows ("<div><div class='itable'><span class='row'><span class='cell'>abc</span></span>\n<span class='row'><span class='cell'>def</span></span></div>")
Pass No newlines around inline-table ("<div>abc<div class='itable'><span class='cell'>def</span></div>ghi")
Fail Single newline in two-row inline-table ("<div>abc<div class='itable'><span class='row'><span class='cell'>def</span></span>\n<span class='row'><span class='cell'>123</span></span></div>ghi")
Pass Single newline in two-row inline-table ("<div>abc<div class='itable'><span class='row'><span class='cell'>def</span></span>\n<span class='row'><span class='cell'>123</span></span></div>ghi")
Pass display:table-row on the element itself ("<div style='display:table-row'>")
Pass display:table-cell on the element itself ("<div style='display:table-cell'>")
Pass display:table-caption on the element itself ("<div style='display:table-caption'>")
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Harness status: OK

Found 2 tests

2 Fail
Fail innerText should be the same for the pre-line and pre examples
1 Pass
1 Fail
Pass innerText should be the same for the pre-line and pre examples
Fail innerText has collapsed whitespace but preserved newlines with pre-line

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